Hero!Jirou x Villain!Reader

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I limp away, coughing roughly. The hero follows after me, in order to detain me.

No use, I realize. It's no use.

Turning around, I can barely see through the blood on my face. The hero stops, watching for my next move.

My legs give out, and I catch myself against the wall of the building. "You win, hero."

She steps closer. "The police will be here soon. There is no point in resisting." Her voice says clearly.

"You don't understand," I plead, then start coughing again. "You don't understand how hard it is. Once you make a mistake, it never goes away."

--- ---

A voice jolts me out of my memory. "You're done with class?" Earphone Jack crosses her arms.

I nod, focusing again on the dishes.

"How did it go?"

"It sucked, that's how it went," I growl dismissively.

Earphone Jack, the hero that had apprehended me, vouched for me in court. She offered to take me as my handler, if I agreed. She placed me into rehabilitation classes, and has me do her chores. I'm her tenant, in turn, and I stay out of jail.

She sighs. "You know you need the classes."

"They're stupid," I grumble.

"They would help more if you paid attention."

I huff, scrubbing a particularly tough stain. She sighs.

"I'm trying to help you."

"I know you are," I say, my voice still as cold as ever. "I just don't know why."

Earphone Jack, who's last name I've heard is Jirō, just shakes her head. Her earphones droop slightly, and she seems tired.

"Because of what you said to me, when we met. About it being hard to turn your life around. I figured you might need help."

"But why?" I dry my hands off, turning to face her. "Why help me?"

"Because you needed it," she tilts her head slightly. "And I felt that you deserved some help. This world is hard, but that doesn't mean you have to face it alone."

I avert my eyes. "I've always been alone."

"And that's why you were so hurt. It's why you became a villain." Jirō smiles. "But look now."

She holds out her hand.

"Now, you're not alone anymore."

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