SMIH! Todoroki Shotō

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"So I have my father's debit card," Todoroki breaks the awkward silence, making me jump.

"You... You what?" I deadpan.

"I haven't used it yet, I'm not sure what I want to buy."

This boy.

I stifle a laugh. About three minutes ago, he had drawn my item and we had been shoved in the closet together. While it is dark in the closet, I can't believe how serious he looks, his eyes shining in the light through the doorway.

Todoroki Shotō and I have been friends since the Sports Festival. My agreeable nature had gone along well with his difficulty in making friends. He always had something ridiculous he'd done, and told me about. So him stealing Endeavour's debit card, while a new occurrence, is not exactly surprising.

"Well, what do you want to do with it?"

"I want to buy something with All Might on it. That would piss him off the most. But nothing too expensive."

"You should buy a hoodie, and when he asks where his card went, just stare at him while zipping it up."

"That's too obvious," Todoroki mutters, lips tugging up at the sides. "Though it is a good idea. Would you want an All Might hoodie? I could buy one for both you and I'm sure Midoriya would want one as well."

"Oh, no, I'm fine, Todoroki." I smile at him, amused at his dedication to this.

"Are you sure? It wouldn't be any trouble," he says seriously. The white side of his hair was visible in the closet, but not the red.

"I mean... If you're going to buy them anyway, I would wear one," I admit.

"Then it's done. Thank you for your help," he nods to me as the door opens. "I'll tell you when I get them."

"... No problem? Thanks?" I can't help but laugh, running my hands through my hair.

I follow him out of the closet, sitting back next to my friend Oliver.

As sweet as it is that Todoroki is getting me an All Might hoodie, I can't believe I have a crush on this guy.

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