Koda Koji x Blind! Reader

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Where is everything? I can't feel anything- where is Koji? Where did everything go? Why did it all disappear. I can't hear or breathe- I can't touch anything. No. Now I can. It gets wrapped around me tighter as I squirm in it's grasp. Is it a villain? Oh, where is my Koji- I can't even breathe!

A cough escapes my throat as I surge upwards, more wheezing following as I practically tear the sheets off from around my body. My breath comes in pieces, fighting to go back to normal. I can hear my heart racing in my chest, feel it trying to escape.

"Hey, are you alright?" A voice asks in a quiet tone. Immediately I recognize it.

"Koji! You're here- it was horrible! Everything was gone- you were gone!"

"I'm sorry. I'm here." His hand rests tenderly on my shoulder, as if I were glass about to shatter. "I'm right here."

My sniffling trails off as I hold him close to me. "It was awful." I don't even remember starting to cry. Hot tears streak down my face. "I couldn't breathe."

"It'll be okay now," he reassures me, his hand rubbing my back in a soothing manner. Up and down, my face in his chest.

Slowly but surely, with much love and hugs, my sobs die down. He keeps me close to him, in his arms. Eventually I pull away, wiping my face. "Sorry. Thank you for helping, Koji-chan."

"It's okay. It's what you do for people you love."

I squint, straining to see anything of him, even his outline. My eyes close as I give up. On good days, I can see the shape of his face and ears.

His arms, gentle and soft, guide me down to the bed, pulling the blanket over me so that it won't wrap around me. Koji cuddles close, protecting me from any other nightmares.

"Thank you, Koji-chan," I mumble, slipping slowly back to sleep. "I love you."

"I love you," he confirms. His arms around me, I drift off.

His warmth is the only light I need.

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