Todoroki x Reader x Midoriya

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I smile at Izuku, then at Shotō. They've been the light of my life for five years now. As the judge reads whatever it is people read at weddings like ours, I can't help but remember how this all started.

How I fell in love with these two. And they fell in love with each other and I.

I'd always been attracted to both of them, but I never thought they could feel the same. I could never see myself as attractive.

I gaze over at Todoroki, who was eating his lunch, then at Midoriya beside him, writing in his little journal. He sticks his tongue out, concentrating.

Todoroki tilts his head, his eyes flitting from Midoriya to me, and his journal.

He later asked me in the hall if I liked Midoriya, which I denied at first. Todoroki basically cornered me, asking it so bluntly. I soon confessed to having a crush on both of them.

Todoroki, a bit embarrassed for once, admitted he had a high esteem for Midoriya, and liked me a lot as well.

At that moment, Midoriya rounded the corner, his eyes wide.

"Do you, Todoroki Shotō, take both Midoriya Izuku and L/n Y/n to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as you all shall live?"

I remember the proposals we committed together. Each person had their turn to propose to the other two, since we all really wanted to propose.

"I do."

Shotō had been acting strange lately. Disappearing, working late, almost distancing himself. Izuku and I had been worried, but we both trusted him.

It was at a fancy restaurant. He took both of us out, all dressed up. Izuku wore a green button-up and a white tie, while Shotō had a green tie and my favourite colour for his button-up. His hair had gotten long since we started high school - at first, he just forgot to get it cut, but we all slowly grew to love it. The top was pulled back, swirling like a peppermint.

Shotō had started his confession right before dessert, his eyes twinkling like stars as he gazed at both of us lovingly.

"I love both of you. I have since we got together, and even before that. I feel like I'm the luckiest man in the universe. The two of you have showed me what love is. Have helped me through what happened in my past, and have seen past my scars. I want to ask both of you for your hands in marriage."

Of course Izuku and I said yes.

I feel tears prick my eyes as I recall that moment. Shotō's eyes meet mine, his own glassy. A smile hasn't left his face since he got up this morning.

Izuku's vows were next.

"So I... I called you guys here because... Well I..." Izuku trails off, not meeting our eyes.

"What is it, Izuku?" Shotō tilts his head.

"You can tell us, Izu-chan," I smile softly.

Izuku had led us to the park, basket in hand. He laid out a picnic for the three of us, and we had eaten happily together.

"I wanted to ask... Since Shotō already asked-- Would you two marry me?" He asked, hand rubbing the back of his head bashfully.

"Of course!" I clap my hands happily.

"We would love to."

The tears fall out of Izuku's eyes, rolling freely down his cheeks as he speaks, "I do."

"And will you," the judge turns to me, "take these two fine young men to wed, from this day forward for as long as you three shall live?"

I nod, tears slipping down my own face. Shotō wipes his eyes.

I smile softly, carrying the bento dinners into the office building where my two husbands work on their hero reports. It's late afternoon, early evening, about time for the sun to set.

I had texted both of them to make sure their schedules matched up. Making my way into Shotō's office, I smile again at the both of them.

"Hello my loves! How have your days been?"

"Mine has been fine," Shotō nods, looking up from his report to send me a gentle tug of his lips.

"I fought this villain, he had the coolest quirk-" Izuku raves, his paperwork forgotten as he writes in his journal.

I hold up the bentos after he's finished mumbling, watching as their eyes light up. "I brought dinner! I figured the two of you could use a small break."

Minutes later, the three of us are chatting comfortably. Then the three of us make our way out of the office for their next patrols.

I follow along, claiming I have nothing to do. We cross a bridge, one known well for proposals, and I stop them.

"I want to ask the two of you, I know you've already asked me so it's my turn," I begin. "I have watched both of you, from the time we met to now, blossom. We have been together through some tough times, and have persevered. I want to take this opportunity, to say I want to be with the both of you for the rest of my life. What do you say?"

"I do."

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