💝 Ojirō Mashirao x Reader

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(Happy Valentine's Day! One more Valentine's fanfic tomorrow!)

My fingers lace with his. Mashirao smiles at me, a blush dusting his face. "Did you like the restaurant?"

I nod, smiling back. "It was so lovely. Thank you for treating me."

"It's no problem!" Mashirao says quickly. "It is Valentine's day after all."

I lean over, kissing him on the cheek. His face erupts further pink, and I spot his tail swishing behind him. A giggle escapes my lips as I lean my head on his shoulder.

The two of us walk in silence for a while, watching the couples passing beside us.

"Hey," Mashirao mumbles, "can we go sit in the park for a while? I want to ask you something."

I nod immediately, my mind going off at the possibilities. He can't be proposing, since it's far too soon for that. Everything has been going good, so he shouldn't be breaking up with me. Especially on Valentine's day.

Before my mind can conjure up any more scenarios, the two of us rest on a bench.

The park had some couples around where we sat, but we were still rather secluded. I smile up at him, nervous energy coarsing through my veins.

He grasps my shaking hand, his face still rather flushed. "Ah, well.... We've been dating for a few months, and I'm really happy." As if to punctuate and confirm his words, his tail wags slightly, though the hair stands on end.

"I was wondering... If it would be okay to kiss you?" His voice strains at the end, face filled with a deep pink. My own face burns as I nod.

"I'd like that, Mashi," I admit.

Mashirao hesitantly leans closer, his fingers threaded with mine. I lean into him, our lips meeting. His were soft. My eyes close, lingering on the moment as he pulls away.

When I open my eyes, his face is hidden by his tail. "Sorry, I've never kissed someone before."

I wrap my arms around him. "It was lovely."

"You think so?"

"I know so. Can I have another, Mashi?"

He smiles. "Of course."

We kiss again, with me reveling in this Valentine's day with him. Happy he is in my life.

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