Dabi x Reader

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I sip my coffee, walking down the sidewalk. Some people would say that walking around after dark is a bad idea. But I think that only applies to people who actually care about living.

That said, I have a surprise for any idiot who might try to jump me.

My hands tremble as I hold the coffee closer. I take another sip, happy. Who needs sleep? Not me!

The store I want to go to isn't far away, it's on my way to the bus station from the coffee shop. The store sells my favourite candy, so I usually end up there on my way home.

I jump up and down a bit as I walk, excited for my sweets.

Something grumbles from an alleyway as I pass, and I notice three men surrounding another man. They were exchanging harsh words, closing in like dogs.

"I don't have any money, I don't even have a cent, you-," the guy being mugged growls, cursing at the men.

I pull my mask over my face, to shield it in case I needed to help him out.

"You little-" the biggest guy snarls. "You have something! I'll kill you to get it, too!" He activates his Muscles quirk, the other two joining in.

I dart in between the men and their victim, sliding in with awesome grace as I ready the weapons in my pockets.

"Back off. It's illegal to use your quirks if you aren't licensed," I hiss to them.

"Leave it be, runt. Or you'll be next!" He lunges in.

I raise my arms, getting two of the guys with the pepper spray. The third one jumps in as the other two reel backwards. On instinct, I spray him in the face, too. He recoils quickly.

I drop the bottles, pulling a collapsible baton out of my pocket and cracking it open. "Leave."

They easily comply, scuttling back to the shadows like bugs.

I turn over to the guy behind me. "Are you alright? You weren't hurt, were you?" I take in his hoodie, which was covering his face, and the tattered jeans he was wearing.

"No," he says dismissively, "and I didn't need your help, you-" he curses again.

"It's fine, sorry for interfering. I'm sure you would have been fine," I nod to him, picking up my bottles of pepper spray. "Sorry again," I turn to leave.

He grabs my arm, a bit roughly. I smell the smoke on his clothes and skin. "What, just like that? You don't want a reward? So much as a thanks for your valiant efforts?" He sneers, and I see his scarred face. "Isn't that what heroes want? Even if you aren't a real one, using pepper spray and shit like that."

"I'm afraid you're mistaken." I reply, smiling. I was a bit angry at him grabbing me and basically yelling in my face, but I wasn't going to let it faze me. "I don't require thanks or a reward for doing my job. I do it to help people."

"Bull-," he basically spits the word, "You heroes are all the same."

"If that's what you feel, that's fine. But I'm not asking for thanks, or anything of the sort. That's not what a hero does. I'm sorry I got involved when you didn't want me to." I bow, turning to leave again.

He stares as I pick up my coffee cup, leaving the alleyway.

--- ---

I set my support gear bag down at my usual table. It's been about a week since I pepper sprayed those men in the alleyway, and every morning since, I've had a visitor.

He doesn't sit near me. He sits in a booth at the back of the coffee shop. This coffee shop has free water, since winters here could be harsh. He wears the same clothes every day. For the past week he has been watching me.

I move to go get my coffee, but my usual server walks up, my favourite coffee already on the way. "It's for you, from a secret stranger!" The old woman giggles.

"Thank you." I nod, smiling at her. She's always so kind.

I sit down, smelling the coffee. It seemed perfectly normal, so I take a sip. I shrug. I care naught for death.

I focus on my coffee and support paperwork, until the screeching of a chair sounds across from me. Looking up, I find my grumpy coffeeshop stalker.

"Hello," I smile at him.

He just grunts, taking a drink out of his water.

I turn back to my paperwork, until he taps at the table in front of me.

"Tell me more, about what you think a hero is." His piercing blue eyes meet mine.

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