Kirishima Eijiro x Trans Male!Reader

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"Hey, could you warm this up real quick? I wouldn't ask, but the microwave is taken up right now and I really need this heated up." Kirishima holds out a heating pad to Todoroki.

Todoroki glances at him before shrugging. "Sure." He holds out his left arm.

Kirishima thanks him graciously, running back upstairs with the warmed rice pad. He enters the room where his boyfriend is.

"You're back," They smile warmly.

"Kaminari was heating up something so I had to ask for Todoroki's help." Eijiro lays the heating pad gently onto their abdomen, and they sigh happily.

"Thank you, Eijiro."

"Anything for you, love." He lays down beside them. "How are the cramps now?"

"They're better than they were."

"And you're not binding anymore?" They nod. "Good. I know it makes you feel bad, but binding too long is not good for your ribs." He kisses their forehead.

"Kiri?" His boyfriend looks up at him. "I'm glad you're my boyfriend."

Kirishima grins back. "And I'm glad to have you as my manly boyfriend."

They bury their face in Eijiro's chest, and he rests a hand on the heating pad.

This morning, his boyfriend had started his period. Since he hasn't had any surgery yet, and his parents won't pay for medication, he gets bad cramps. To make it worse, his dysphoria prevents him from really taking care of himself.

Kirishima had walked in, made him get a shower, warmed a red towel up in the dryer, and pulled out comfortable clothes for his love.

One sweater, a pair of breifs, and boxers over that to ease some dysphoria. And Eijiro has been bringing up chocolates and tea and refreshing the heating pad every couple hours, cuddling his manly boyfriend.

Sometimes, on days like these, when his boyfriend feels better, he helps him with some sit-ups, since they help relieve cramps. Maybe tomorrow, if he's up to it. Kirishima gives a smile to his sweet love, his grin widening when he gets one in return.

A man on his period isn't a happy one, but Kirishima is determined to help him feel like himself.

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