Jirō Kyōka x Deaf! Male! Reader

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(Title is The Sound of Your Heartbeat. This was a request by ActTasLam; it's Jirō Kyōka and a deaf male reader. The song is My Song from Angel Beats (English Cover). Italicized is the song. Enjoy!)

Another day ends in defeat.
Another lonely night for me.

I hit the punching bag again, my teeth taut against the mouth guard. Today hadn't gone as planned; there was a pop quiz I was definitely not prepared for.

How come my mirror is the only one talks to me?
If what’s ahead can’t fix what’s in my head,
Then what’s the point of ever of even trying?

I sit down after few more minutes. My wrists hurt as I lift my water to my lips. I wonder briefly how water might sound. Does it have a sound? I would have to ask Kyōka. I had been mortified to learn farts had a noise.

Those with "common sense",
Or, rather common arguments
Have only ever served to sophisticate the truth with lies.

My heart twinges as I remember we had gotten in an argument today. I lift my shirt to my face, wiping away the sweat and pondering what had happened.

You qualify, corrupt, you falsify –
How can one treasure what they have when it means nothing

We have been childhood friends, growing up together since kindergarten. She was there for me, learning sign language when we were young in order to speak with me.

But there’s still hope for us, with our self-centered hearts to blame,
Hear me out.

This was just a small argument, and we were both aware of that, so we would be okay. I send her a text.

We don’t have much time left.
It’s fine to cry, it’s fine to die.
We’re all the same.
Reluctant to change.

You: Hello Kyōka, sorry we fought

Kyō: are you still mad at me?

You: No! You are my best friend

Kyō: lol youre not using a nickname

You: Sorry. I am not mad.

But no one’s perfect.
Human is all we’ll ever be.
The tears I’ve shed, the blood I’ve bled,
Does not control. My heart will be whole.

I smile a little, glad I could at least talk to her. My heart feels like it could jump out of my chest. Do heartbeats make a noise?

With all I have left, which isn’t much,
I give to you. Treat it kindly. Save who you can. I say, “thank you”.

You: Kyō?

Kyō: yes?

You: Do heartbeats have a sound?

Having hopes and dreams, collecting all these silly things.
Is our whole being only to find our own purpose?

Kyō: I mean, yeah. at least to me, because of my quirk. mostly they are too soft and quiet for others to hear.

You: Okay. Can you describe them?

To live a life focused on being different, on only trying to achieve what will fulfill me;

I smile, waiting for her answer. She always knows how to compare sounds to familiar sensations for me.

Is that my destiny? What’s behind the door at the end?
Reaching out, will someone take my hand?

Kyō: actually I'm just about to the gym, see you in a minute

I jump up, making sure everything looked in place. While we've known each other since we were kids, I still harbour the hugest crush on Kyōka. She's just so... Cool! And kind. And, as of late, I've noticed more and more how pretty she is.

All those in pain, all those ashamed;
Come, follow me, we long to be free.
We are not our past, we’re not our fears. We’re together.

I catch a glimpse of her, and she smiles to me. "Hello!" She signs excitedly.

"Hey Kyō!" I respond, pulling the protective gloves off to make it easier. "I just finished training."

All those alone. With tired eyes.
Come, rest with me; breathe, now you’re free

"You wondered what heartbeats sound like?" She tilts her head, her hands hesitant. I nod, and she draws closer, her earphone jacks raising in my direction. "It's a thump." Her hand taps my chest, and I feel the thump. My heart lurches slightly at her touch.

This wretched world, with all its flaws, is beautiful
I’m not alone. I’m not defeated.

My face turns red, and her hand pauses on my chest, earphone jacks still trained to my inner thumping. "A thump," I respond stiffly, my hands lowering to hers.

She meets my eyes, obviously feeling the beat of my heart. Likely hearing the quickening of the thump, thump, thump.

Have I found peace?

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