Yaoyorozu Momo x Reader

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I stand in line with my friends for the ferris wheel. The line is long, but it's my friend Ollie's favourite ride, and his friend Marty liked it too. Me, not so much.

"I can't wait to ride it!" Ollie grins, holding our hands. "I rarely ever get to ride ferris wheels!"

As we get closer to the ferris wheel, we find that it's only a two-person ride.

I shrug, "I'll ride the next one with you two."

As I turn to leave the line, almost relieved, I spot Yaoyorozu Momo, from my hero class, in line behind me. She's also the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, with long black hair and a confident attitude. I smile at her, ready to abscond, before realizing she's being hit on by some sleazy guy.

"Come on, beautiful, you should ride with me," the guy wraps his arm around her. She looks close to ripping his arm off.

She smiles uneasily back at me. I clear my throat, stepping closer to the guy. "Hey, I know you." I use my quirk to read his mind, digging up whatever dirt I can on him within seconds. "You were in prison a couple years, weren't you? Something about assault? It wouldn't look good on you to add a sexual offense with a minor," I practically spit the words in a polite voice.

The guy quickly pales, turning and leaving the line while cursing at me.

Momo gasps, throwing her arms around me. "Thank you."

I laugh nervously, "Hey, it's fine. Anyone would have done the same."

"Would you ride the ferris wheel with me? Jirō and Todoroki didn't want to ride it, and I don't want to go alone."

I gulp, and not just because I don't like ferris wheels. "Sure," I say meekly.

We're fairly close to the front of the line, and it only takes a few minutes before we're sitting down.

The ride takes off slowly, and I inch to the middle of my seat. I'm sitting across from Momo, who looks out in awe. "Everything is so small."

I look over, watching the people below us. "Yeah," I laugh a bit.

"Are you alright?" Momo asks, a bit concerned.

"I'm fine, I just get nervous on ferris wheels."

"Here," She grabs my hand. "Now you have me to hold onto."

Her hands are soft, but strong, and I feel a blush rising onto my face.

I can't contain it, and my face grows pink. "S...sorry. You're just so beautiful and I really like you." I pull my hand away, covering my face in embarrassment.

Momo smiles, taking my hands away from my face. We reach the top of the ferris wheel.

"I like you, too. I was actually hoping to ride with you from the very beginning," Momo admits. "I want to be your girlfriend."

"You were? You do? I..." I become more and more flustered, holding her hands. She kisses my cheek. I look into her eyes.

Her face had turned a light pink, and I kiss her cheek, too.

The ferris wheel begins to descend.

We sit in silence, smiling and blushing while holding hands. By the time we get off, Todoroki and Jirō are at the bottom. Jirō gives Momo a thumbs up, and Momo wraps her arms around me.

I smile, turning to her.

Our lips meet in the light of the ferris wheel, sending off sparks better than Kaminari's quirk ever could.

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