Tsu x Reader

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(Bleach AU. You're a Captain with Tsu as your lieutenant!)

"Tsu-chan, could you grab me those papers from Captain Ukitake?" I ask, looking up from my writing.

She meets my eyes. "Of course, Captain," she croaks.

Tsu gets up, her finger to her face as she leaves.

I focus again on my report. It's due tomorrow. I definitely have not put this off at all.

With a sigh, I sign the document and leave it to dry. I should do something nice for my lieutenant.

--- ---

The door slides open and I smile faintly. Tsu appears, walking over and handing me the documents.

I thank her. "I got something for you. To show you how much I appreciate you as my lieutenant."

"You didn't need to, Captain. What is it?" Tsu asks curiously, her finger at the corner of her lip.

At that moment, I hear a knocking at the door.

I answer it.

"Captain, the third and fourth seat have been delayed in their mission to the outer Rukon district. They have requested your and Lieutenant Tsuyu's presence."

With a sigh, I agree. "You're in charge, fifth seat."

After several hours, we finally arrive to where my third and fourth seat are waiting.

"Captain, we've received information about multiple strong hollows in this area, but-," my third seat is cut off as a howl fills the air.

I turn to the noise, but my lieutenant is already on it.

"Kero kero, Kaeru no chōyaku!" Tsu calls on her zanpakutō, slicing the monster's mask with her tongue-like blade.

It dissolves, but more appear.

I slice one, defending my lieutenant. The third and fourth seat get to work, exorcising hollows along side us.

--- ---

I collapse into my chair. This night has been long. Tsu sits across from me, touching a scratch across her arm.

"You should get it checked out," I prompt her gently.

She smiles. "I will, Captain."

"You did good out there. I'm proud to have you as a lieutenant." I grab the bag from behind my desk, presenting it to her. "This is for you."

She takes it, opening it with care. "Hair pins?" She holds them close to her.

I nod. "You have said before that your hair gets in the way sometimes. And they're green, so I thought they would suit you."

Tsu grins. "Thank you, Captain."

"Anything for my lieutenant. Now, let's finish this paperwork."

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