Asui Tsuyu x Neko! Reader

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(Requested: A Tsu x Neko! Reader where after discovered as a neko, Reader lost all their friends except Tsu. They later develop a crush on their froggy friend! Requested by mewannacosplay.)

I stare down at the ground in shame as they mock me. People that I once held as friends now laugh and make comments about me.

"Why try to hide now? We all know that you're just a little kitten. Obviously, you won't amount to anything, you'll be too busy licking yourself!" One calls out, but I don't turn around to see who it was.

At the end of the hallway, I meet the one person who hasn't turned on me: Asui Tsuyu, known by her nickname, Tsu.

She greets me with a ribbit, and leads me into the library. We enter one of the private study rooms, and I pull out my bento.

Tsu sits beside me, eating her lunch as we quiz each other with flash cards.

"A triangle's angles add up to-"

"One hundred and eighty degrees!" I pipe up happily, my tail swishing where it was concealed.

"Ribbit," Tsu smiles.

Immediately my face heats up. Her face is so cute. Even cuter when she smiles. I take a bite of my lunch, trying to clear my head of these thoughts.

It has been two weeks since everyone in my class discovered that I am a Neko. I have the ears and tail of a cat, as well as some of the instincts and mannerisms.

Whenever I was discovered, there were varying reactions. Some were disgusted, others indifferent. The only one that stood by me was Tsu. She's the light of my life.

"What is the Pythagorean Theorem?" I ask after swallowing my rice.

She answers correctly, not missing a beat. I can only admire how brilliant she is, my heart beating faster in my chest.

I'm done for whenever she finishes her next bite, and her tongue pokes out of her mouth cutely as she finds her next question.

Her lips curve up slightly at the ends, her pink tongue sticking out just so. Just as it always does when she's thinking. She moves a strand of green hair behind her ear. Her lips move as she asks her next question. She's so beautiful.

I don't even hear her.

She waves her hand in front of my face. "Ribbit?"

I blink back into reality, and I wouldn't be surprised if my ears were red.

Stuttering, I look for an excuse as to why I was spacing out while staring at her. Anything. I couldn't just tell her how much I appreciate her, and how that turned into admiration, and then became these beautiful feelings blossoming in the bottom of my stomach, and my heart.

All I can do is feel my mouth go dry as I apologise. I jolt whenever her hand rests atop mine, hers cold against my warm skin.

"Ribbit," Tsu smiles again, her own cheeks dusting pink. She leans her head on my shoulder. "I understand. I find it hard to talk around you, too."

"You do?" I try to focus on her soft hand, and not the millions of butterflies fluttering in my chest.

"Of course. You're the first person I've felt like this for. My first crush," she ribbits sincerely.

My other arm rests around her shoulders hesitantly. "I care so much about you, Tsu."

Once more, Tsu ribbits in agreement. "I'll always be here for you."

Her stomach rumbles a little, and the two of us laugh, getting back to lunch and studying.

I can't believe she likes me, too.

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