Koda Koji x Chubby! Tiger! Reader

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(This was a request by bella_the_furry, for Koda Koji x Chubby! Tasmanian Tiger Quirked! Reader.)

I yawn and stretch, feeling the effects of my quirk take hold. Any catlike quirks often come with one dire need: naps. My striped tail flicks in agreement, and I sigh as I flex my claws. They're all courtesy of my quirk: Tasmanian Tiger. It allows me to take the full form of a specific breed of tiger, or a more humanlike form, which I'm in now.

My bed is far too long of a walk. Personally, I hate elevators, so every trip to my room is filled with stairs. Which I also hate, but with less vigor. Patting my belly, and deciding against such activity, I feel another yawn rip through my jaws.

Glancing over, I take in the sight of my classmate, Koda Koji. He's one of my closest friends in class. Not very talkative-- sometimes he talks only in sign-- but overall a great friend. And his shoulder looks comfortable. A good pillow substitute, in my opinion.

A stretch and a plop later, and I rest my head against his shoulder. "I take a nap."

"O-oh," his answer squeaks out. The two of us fall into silence, the nature channel still playing in the background as I doze off. The tendrils of sleep lull me, pulling me down.

Groggily, my eyes open. The sound of kittens mewing on the television fills my perked ears. Sleep weighs me down as I try to rouse myself.

Scratch that, it's not the sleep. The gentle breathing reaches my ears, the soft beating of his heart is constant against me.

My head still rests on Koji's shoulder, and his head is atop my own. I can't see his face, but I imagine from this close contact that he is asleep.

When he wakes up, I'm sure he'll apologize profusely and turn all shades of red. As cute as that will be, I smile. I'm truly content with this predicament we're in; such comfort is something that's rare between friends. And I won't lie, I have been harbouring somewhat of a crush on him.

I cuddle closer, glad to have this time and his warmth.

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