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"What is it Amma," I questioned.

Though I have a bad feeling about this – a really bad feeling about this.

She held my hand. "Tomorrow you're going to become a married woman." She looked at me and caressed my face. "When did my little girl grow up so fast?"

I smiled. Amma continued.

"From this little," she said, showing how small I was with her hands, "To a grown woman."

I smiled again, but I had a feeling she wanted to say something else - something I would dread.

"Look Khushi, as a married woman, you see new things... you experience new things... especially your first night with your husband."

Oh no! My eyes widened in horror. She could not be serious about this... but she was!

"Yes Khushi," she said, judging from the look on my face, "I'm talking about your suhag raat."

I think I'm going to kill myself here. I didn't want to have the talk! Besides, I learned about sex in junior high! What else was there to know?!

Amma continued on with the topic and I gaped at her, wide eyed. After she was done with the talk, she simply smiled and left the room, as if she hadn't scarred me for life.

Okay, that's a bit too dramatic, but you know what I mean!

Is this woman and Payal teaming up to get me? Because seriously, these two are making me worry!

I can't believe what just happened!

I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror; a reflection of me stared back that was completely stunned.

My heart raced up and I clutched it. Was I ready for this? I mean, was I ready to give my virtue away? I gulped and tried to calm down. From what those two said, there was 99.99% chance that Arnav wound definitely do something, no matter what.

I took in a deep breath and let it out, forcing my nerves to calm down. I trust Arnav and I love him very much with all my life. He is the man of my life and nothing would ever change that, no matter what. Whatever happens tomorrow, will happen.

Now to just wait and see.


The next morning, Payal came running into my room just as I had finished washing up.

She handed me a bagel. "Let's go!"

She grabbed my arm and dragged me outside, not giving me a chance to change out of my black sweats and white tank top. We got in the car and drove to a salon.

I got my hair done, as well as my makeup. Payal had a bag in her hand and she took out a red lehenga. It was absolutely beautiful and stunning, the stonework shining brightly from the lights. I couldn't stop myself from running my hands over it,

Payal noticed the look on my face. "Do you like it? Your parents absolutely loved it!"

"I love it," I gushed.

"Good! At least now I know that your tastes and Bhai's tastes are alike."

Huh? "What do you mean?"

A small smirk grew on her face. "It turns out that ever since the proposal, Bhai had been working on this with top designers, having this personally made just for you."

Wait, what?!

"He was there all the way through the process, working on it. He had asked for my help though, making sure to get the size right, so I may have, um... borrowed something of yours to help get the measurements."

She stole my clothes?

"Don't worry, I returned it without you ever having a clue until now..."


"...but I mean hey, it was all for a good reason."

Well... that's true.

"Other than that, Bhai had kept it a complete secret – no one else but me in the family knew. Of course, he didn't let me see it either until finally yesterday, after we came back from home, did he reveal it to us. And I must say, Bhai has really good taste."

I couldn't believe it! I looked at it and I couldn't get enough of it; it was absolutely beautiful! And unique! ...and all mine.... Arnav had it specially made just for me – me alone!

He truly is amazing... what did I ever do to deserve someone like him?

"Well what are you waiting for," Payal exclaimed. "Go put it on," she said as she ushered me into the changing room.

I came out and the dresser helped me fix it. I looked in the mirror, completely stunned by how I looked. For the first time in my life, I truly felt beautiful, and nothing nor no one could change that belief.

The stylist placed the dupatta over my head, completing the bridal look, and I couldn't believe that I was truly staring at myself in the mirror. Part of me thought it was a dream, the other telling me that it wasn't, but reality, creating so many emotions within me.

"Oh my gosh," Payal shrieked when I rejoined her. "You look gorgeous!"

I blushed. I still couldn't believe it! I don't think I ever will!

Payal walked around and examined me, when she froze behind me. "Well, well, would you look at that."

"What," I frowned, turning to her to see her grinning like the Cheshire cat.

"Bhai is really clever. And I mean really clever."

Uh...? "What do you mean?" I'm somewhat afraid to know.

"Because he not only created something sexy... but something he could easily get you out of."

"What do you mean," I asked, my eyes widening at what I think might be the answer.

"I mean he's not going to let you go so easily tonight," she smirked. "One pull on the string of your skirt and there it goes," she winked, grinning mischievously.

I froze. Oh my gosh! I began to freak out in my head when I remembered that night at the party when I was in his room and how he had challenged me.

"Too bad you can't get me that easily."

"Oh really?"

I shook my head clear. It's okay, just relax, just relax! It's only something normal to happen between a newlywed husband and wife! I've got this, there's nothing to be worried about!


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