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A morning run was always welcome, and a run in the countryside was even more welcome.

Running in the city was obviously much more different, with the various loads of people everywhere, as well as its sounds. Of course, that's what my Beats were for, drowning out all of that noise and only making place for my music.

In the countryside, it was different, a serene quietness surrounding it. There were a few people now and then, many of them heading to their farms, some of them on their tractors. But music kept me motivated, and I ran along the dirt roads.

It wasn't long until I finally reached the house. Since we're on vacation, it was no surprise that no one else was up yet. In my opinion, I thought it was for the better, since the ladies of the house always got up early to get started for the day and get us men ready for ours.

Heading on upstairs, I found my beautiful wife as I had left her, still asleep in bed. I had tried not to wake her up, slipping out of her hold before I headed on out for my run. She has quite a grip, even in her sleep, and honestly, I don't ever want her to let go of her hold on me.

I went around to her side and placed a tender kiss on her head. Her beautiful lips spread into a small smile, and she nuzzled into the pillow she was holding - my pillow.

"Arnav," she softly murmured my name.

My wife will never understand how even the sound of my name from her lips means the world to me.

Leaving her to sleep, I quickly headed on in to the shower, and I couldn't help but to think about my life. Sometimes it amazes me of the person that I am today because it's so much more different than who I was even a little over two years ago. From a very early age, the most emotion I ever felt was anger - anger to my kaka, anger to my dadi, anger to my father - anger to the world, basically. I'll never forget how my kaka had kicked Dai, Di, and me out of our estate, unable to control his greed and having our home all to himself after my parents' death. I'll never forget how I was scouring around everywhere just to get some damn coins for a phone call, since people refused to give any to us mere children, not even those who knew whose children we were. I'll never forget how I had to move a sewage vent aside and reach in through a bunch of cow shit and garbage, just to get a fucking coin that had fallen in and left to be forgotten.

I'll never forget any of that.

Anger was what had driven me for so long. Anger made me change my last name and create a new identity for myself. Anger was what had made me into a millionaire businessman, knocking out so many of my competitors when they thought I could get nowhere. Heck, anger was got me through fucking Harvard and all of that hard crap.

But then she came into my life. My Khushi came falling into my life and turned everything upside down. When I think of how confused and how lost I felt, the irony makes me laugh. After all, I was already lost, and yet when she came into my life, that was when I started feeling it. But then everything changed - I changed. What for years had felt like stone, actually started to beat in my chest again.

The first time I had seen her, it was a complete shock. I, by accident, had gone walking into her, distracted by my phone, and she had come falling into my arms. I still remember how confused she looked - how scared and nervous she was, while I remained stunned. In fact, I could hardly even believe such a beauty was really in my arms, removing my aviators. But she was real and she truly was in my arms.

Having to let go of her annoyed me, but I knew that I had to. All I could think about for the rest of that day was her, even though I was supposed to be going over a business contract. And yet, my mind couldn't focus on that, not even for a moment! I didn't even know if I would ever see her again!

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