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The next day I went to work even though I had requested in advance to work from home. There was some paperwork that needed to be done, which I had left at the office, so I decided to go in before my run, causing me to enter the office in my gray sweats, navy blue tank top and hoodie.

I walked into the office and headed up to my room. I went through some folders to check some things and needed to get another file. I walked over to the file cabinet when I noticed him. There, sitting in his chair, Arnavji was doing some paper work. He was really focused in his work which seemed surprising. I thought he might have noticed me but he didn't. It was kind of weird that he was even there in the first place. I mean all these weeks have passed and he decides to show up today?

Wait a minute! Why do I even care?

I turned my focus back to the file cabinet, trying to find the file I was looking for, but couldn't find it. I got frustrated and heated up. The file was in the cabinet yesterday and it wasn't here now!

Where is the damn file?!

"Excuse me?"

I turned around; it was Rita.

"Ma'am are you looking for the file for-"

"Yes I'm looking for the file! Where is it?"

"I'm sorry ma'am, um…." She came over and handed me the file I was going crazy over.

"Are you serious?! You had it the entire time?! Do you have any idea how worried I got?!"

"I'm sorry ma'am. Sir asked for the file and I had to take it out."


"Yeah, he wanted to check it but he saw that it was incomplete so he wanted me to put it back."

"Huh… is that so? Well then… you can go now."

She nodded and she left. I turned to look at Arnav who was still stuck in his work.

Why won't he look up?

I went back to my chair and sat down to take a look at the files, but for some reason every now and then I kept looking at Arnav. And every time I looked, he was busy with his work.

Why won't he look at me? Why do I even care?!

I started to argue with myself and got frustrated, so I took off my hoodie. I was heating up and I started to feel stupid. I looked at him and he was still glued to his work.

Nice. Here I am flared up over you and you don't even pay attention.

I pretended to choke him and I grabbed the files and my hoodie. I was walking over to Rita when Arnav came out of his room. I watched him as he left and wondered why he was even here. Shaking my head clear, I went to Rita who was just talking to Arnav.

"Hey Rita, if you don't mind me asking… why was he even here today?"

"Who? Sir?"


"Oh, he said he said he had some work to do and he just came in."

"Is that so… well okay, here." I handed her over the files. "They're completed now, so you can give it to him."

I walked out of the office and started to run. I can't even remember the last time I had time for this! I put my headphones in my ear and listened to my music. It felt like ages since I've listened to it.

I ran to the outskirts. I hadn't been to the studio in who knows how long. I put my hoodie down, turned up my music, and danced away.

When was the last time I even did this?

I put on Desi Beat because I just needed a song that I could easily dance to. Before I even knew it I was moving my hands in the air, jumping to the beat and shaking my hips from side to side. I felt so alive, more then ever before.

Little did I know that I had company… or should I say that I was company.

Someone shut my music off and I turned around. It was Arnavji. My heart started to race up, but not from exhaustion.

What's he doing here?

My heart raced up even more. He started to walk towards me and I walked back when I bumped into a column. He was right in front of me and before I could even move, he handed me my iPhone and I practically snatched it from him. I touched his hand in the process and they were so warm compared to my cold flesh. It reminded me of that night when he put his hand on my shoulder and how it sent tingles down my spine.

Once the phone was in my hands, he walked away and left. As weird as it was, I had this feeling in me that wanted him to stay. I tried to ignore it but I couldn't.

What is it about him that I can't get him out of my head?

I watched him as he left and I was left alone, confused.

The Beats Of My Heart | Meri Dil Ki DhadkanWhere stories live. Discover now