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Arnav spent the day at the office while I stayed home, not only because I wanted to start packing but because I was still pretty much exhausted.

I mean you try functioning properly after back-to-back-to-back, mind-blowing, orgasmic nights.

No, I didn't think so - I mean its a wonder that I'm even able to walk!

The day went by pretty well, though I was teased a little here and there. By the time Arnav came back, I was laying in bed, having taken a nap.

"Feeling better," he asked me as he kissed me.

"Mm, a bit. How was work?"

"Not bad; I had a few meetings today, but it wasn't that big of a deal. Did you start packing, babe?"

"Yeah, a little," I said as I got up.

I headed into the closet and brought a duffel bag I had started filling up.

"I placed a few of your home clothes and stuff to sleep in, but let's face it - we're going to be out in the countryside. I doubt there will be much changing out of jammies going on."

"Well, a vacation is a vacation," he teased lightly.

"True," I grinned. "But, whatever the case, there are options available."

"Okay. I think I'm gonna put in several of my gym clothes; I'd like to utilize the gym while we're there, not to mention go out for runs in the morning."

"There's a gym," I gaped.

"With a sauna, yeah," he shrugged casually.

I continued to gape at him.

Wait a minute, I thought this was just a nice, simple farmhouse out in the countryside.

"I'm confused, there's a sauna as well?"

"Of course. There's an outdoor pool that heats up also, and then of course there's the hot tub-"

"Wait a minute, I thought this was going to be a simple farmhouse."

"Hardly the case," he scoffed lightly.

But I only looked at him in confusion.

"After I started up my business, I took care of the family properties. The farmhouse was one of them, and the property manager that took care of it, suggested that I rent it out sometimes for people to vacation in. Nani was okay with it since we didn't really use it. Over the years, I made more money and I updated the place, simple."

"Huh... and here I thought we'd be going into the simpler life."

"Tired of being a celebrity?"

I frowned at him. There's no denying that over the past few months, more and more people were getting interested in us. Gossip columns observed us more often, even some talkshows. Arnav and I genuinely didn't give a single damn about it, living our lives as we wanted to. However, even if we tried to live our lives normally, there was no way of denying that our fame had increased. One time, Arnav and I had gone out for dinner after work, and two girls came up to me asking me for an autograph, as well as for Arnav's. It felt weird yet amazing at the same time, but mostly weird. After all, I was no singer nor an actor, just a socialite. 

But apparently, that was enough for people wanting to follow me on all of my socials, even though it was private. Someone had even suggested to us that we make public profiles for people to follow, but we just weren't interested. Besides, the paparazzi took enough pictures of us anyways and posted those everywhere. And since they were such pests, adding more security became necessary and there was always at least two of them whenever anyone in the family went out.

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