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Even in the morning the naughtiness continued, and seeing the smile on Arnav's face made me very happy. We laid in bed, snuggled together, refusing to get up while we made out as if we were teenagers.

"They'll ask questions, you know," I grinned.

"I could care less," he grinned back.

His lips found mine again and his hand hooked my leg around his waist. I happily wrapped my arms around him, ready for him to take me away from this world again, when suddenly the sound of yelling filled the air.

Arnav let go of me. "What the f-?"

Payal's raged voice filled the air once more and both Arnav and I looked at each other in confusion. Without another word, we quickly got up and threw on some clothes, then headed downstairs to see what the commotion was all about. But before Arnav or I could question anyone, my eyes landed on the last person's face I ever wanted to see.


I didn't even think, I only did what brain and heart wanted me to do, and I walked towards him.

Viren's eyes landed on me. "Khushi-"

Without a thought, I slapped him, cutting him off.

"Khushi, what are you-?"


He stared wide-eyed at me, as well as the rest of the family, all shocked by my anger. Arnav remained still, clenching his fists, him boiling from his anger.

"Arnav, Khushi, please," he began. "Let me-"

"Let you what," I yelled. "Let you explain?"

"No- I mean yes- I mean-"

"You mean what? Huh?!"

He looked away, not able to figure out what to say.

"Do you realize how much of my life you destroyed," I asked.


"Because of you, an innocent life was lost!"

He looked at me with confusion.

"Oh... so you didn't know, do you?"

He was even more confused.

"I was pregnant!!!"

His eyes widened and his face fell.

"Because of you, I lost my child!"

Viren was about to say something but I swung my fist at him. Dai was about to come and stop me, but Arnav held her back.


"No Dai," Arnav said. "Let her bring every bit of her anger out."

Unfortunately for me, I missed Viren by only a few centimeters, him having dodged away.

"Khushi, please," Viren said. "I'm sorry-"

I looked at him in dismay. "Sorry? Sorry?! Do you think sorry is going to bring back my child?!"

"No, but-"

"Then what the hell?!"

"I'm so sorry about everything! This was all my fault-"

"You think?! I can't even look at you anymore! Get out of my house!"

I grabbed him by the arm and dragged him out of the house, ignoring his pleas. "Security!"

Several of our men from security came running forward.

"Get him out of my sight and don't ever let him back near this house ever again!"

"Yes ma'am," they said together, and two of them hauled Viren off with ease, even though he was struggling to free himself from them.

I turned back and looked at the family, all of them still pretty much in shock. Dai was by Arnav's side, calming him, but by the look on his face, I could tell that he wanted to pulverize Viren.

And I honestly couldn't blame him.

I had only walked a few steps towards them, when my head started to spin. Suddenly everyone else was sideways and everything faded to black.


"I'm fine," I said for the umpteenth time.

"Shut up, Khushi," Arnav scowled. "You can't be fine after fainting and collapsing like that!"

"I'm fine," I scowled at him. "It was just a little head spin, that's all!"

"Are you sure that's all," Dai asked.

I heard the little hint in her tone, and immediately understood what she was suspecting.

"Yes," I simply replied.

"Are you positive," Di asked.

Even Di had that slight hopeful tone to her words, and I knew both sisters were hoping the same.

Mama came in with the doctor into the room, and she sat down beside me. She did whatever she needed to, even though I already knew there was nothing to be worried about.

"There's nothing to worry about," the doctor said.


"She just needs to get some rest."

Well I could've said that- actually no, I couldn't have. After all, I was mostly sleep-deprived because of my insatiable husband, and how I would tell the family about that... well clearly there would be no way.

Huh, maybe bringing the doctor was a good thing – it saved me from total embarrassment.

"Doctor," Dai began, "Is it..."

They exchanged looks and the doctor simply shook her head. With everything settled, the doctor was led out and everyone left us alone, Arnav shutting the doors behind them.

He turned to me. "Why did Dai ask the doctor that in that way?"

I should've known my husband was going to catch that.

"Um... she probably thought I was... pregnant," and I looked down at my lap.

Without even looking, I knew Arnav's eyes had widened; I could feel his shock from here. But he quickly recovered and came back to bed, sitting beside me. Arnav wrapped his arms around me, and I snuggled into him.

"Are you okay," he asked softly.

I knew he was referring to the whole pregnancy thing, as well as Viren, but I didn't want to focus on that. "I'm fine, Arnav. Just a little tired out since my husband is insatiable."

I looked up at him, smirking lightly. But Arnav only looked into my eyes, as if he were trying to search for something. I truly wasn't hiding anything – definitely no sorrow or disappointment – and he understood, letting out a sigh.

"Well it was my birthday," he grinned lightly.

"Hmm, that it was. But you took away my sleepy time - and cake! Bad hubby," I pouted.

Arnav chuckled in return and kissed me softly. "We'll see about the cake later, but for now, you can sleep right here in my arms."

"No distractions?"

"No distractions, wifey," he shook his head with a smile.

We both laid down properly and Arnav pulled me into his arms.

"Sleep, sweet wife of mine," he murmured as he kissed my forehead, and we both drifted off to sleep.

The Beats Of My Heart | Meri Dil Ki DhadkanWhere stories live. Discover now