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Arnav was showered with presents that morning, everyone doting over him. It was clear my husband didn't exactly like the mushiness, and it was funny watching him, completely helpless and having no other option. But watching Nani feed him and smile at him lovingly, made me smile.

It was later discovered as breakfast continued, that the family would be attending a party of some family friend's, and I could not be more excited! Given that Arnav never celebrates nor acknowledges his birthday, it was no surprise why the family had agreed to go. But luckily enough and because Dai gives no fucks just like my husband, she thought it would be better if Arnav and I didn't go and had some time for ourselves.

I cannot tell you how much I love that woman.

It's funny how similar Arnav and Dai are. The two were cunning and didn't give a crap about anything, saying things as they pleased. Di however was a little more timid, but she was a sly devil, just like the other two.

I can only wonder how these kids will turn out to be.

With breakfast complete and everyone going about with their day, I made my way to the kitchen and was about to wash the dirty dishes, when my ever-so-shameless husband came in and took me in his arms.

"What the?"

I felt Arnav smile into my neck. "I love being an influence on you."

Oh I bet he does.

Turning in his hold, I looked up at him. "May I ask why you are in here," I asked, batting my lashes.

"Nice try on the innocence wife, but I'm bored," he grinned devilishly.

He went to move his hand lower, but I quickly stopped him, earning a small frown from him.

Ugh, he can be so cute sometimes.

"So, because you're bored, you need to bother me while I work?"

"Given that you didn't let me go to work, yes; I'm bored."

I couldn't help my grin. "Are you getting back at me for keeping you away from the office?"

Arnav tilted his head from side to side. "Sure, let's call it that," and he nuzzled me beneath my ear.

He's lucky none of the others are here yet-


Looks like I spoke too soon.

My eyes widened and my cheeks heated as I looked over Arnav's shoulder to see Dai, Di, and Payal, all three of them arching their brows at us. Arnav looked over his shoulder as well, acknowledging them.

"Honestly Chote, do you have any control," Dai said, rolling her eyes, though humor was very evident in them.

Taking advantage of the moment, I freed myself from Arnav. "See Dai, your brother is always annoying me," I frowned, going over to them.

"I do not," Arnav scowled.

"Hmm, that much we all can see," Di said, crossing her arms with her head tilted.

"Well, if I may say so in Bhai's defense," Payal began, "it is his birthday after all."

My eyes met Payal's. Hey, you're supposed to be on my side!

She made her way over to him and the two linked their arms together. "It's his special day so I think it's only right that Bhai spends time with his dear wife."

Oh? Traitor!

"That I can agree with," Dai began, "however, he will be getting more than enough time when we leave the two alone tonight," she smirked.

My cheeks only continued to glow red from her words.

Arnav rolled his eyes. "I don't need a set amount of time set aside for me to romance my wife," he scowled.

What the f-?! My eyes darted to Arnav's – the man had no shame at all!

"Oh? Is that so," Di smirked in return.

"Yes, now if you'll excuse me, I'm stealing my wife."

Arnav went to take my hand in his, but I moved away.

"Oh no you don't, you've got errands to run."

"What the-! Errands?"

"Yes, errands."

Did Arnav really think that just because I wasn't allowing him to go to work, meant that I was going to let him stay home all day and annoy me? No way, hubby!

"I left a list of things I need you to do for me upstairs on the vanity, and I would greatly appreciate it if you would complete them," I grinned, batting my eyelashes at him.

And as I expected, Arnav scowled at me in return. "I should just go to work."

"Well if you were to, it wouldn't end up being productive, given that I sent Aman a message some time ago that everyone could leave at 12 and nothing you say will change that."

"What the-?"

"And if you were to do that, then there's no birthday present for you."

"I could care less about presents," he scowled.

"And I'll leave to my mother's."

At that, Arnav quickly gripped my arm and pulled me to him, completely shocking me. A wave of worry flashed through his eyes, followed by annoyance.

"Like hell I'm going to let you," he said, glaring into my eyes.

I couldn't help my smile and wrapped my arms around his neck, not giving one damn about our audience. "I know you won't me, drastic as it is," I grinned.

"Damn right," he huffed.

"Then be a good hubby and get those tasks done," and I let him go.

"But Khushi-"

"But nothing, and besides – the quicker you do them, the quicker you come home," I said, trying very, very hard not to grin.

"Funny," Arnav scowled, and he left.

Well at least it did the trick.

Di sighed. "I'm sorry my brother is such a child."

All of us chuckled, when Arnav suddenly reappeared and before I could even register it, he had me in his arms and dipped me down, giving me an over-the-top kiss, stunning our audience as they gasped.

"Your adult husband loves you," he grinned, before pecking me once more and putting me back on my feet before leaving.

I stared in the direction he left, my jaw hitting the floor, just like Dai and Di.

Payal frowned, tilting her head. "Well, gee, I wonder if Bhai can give my husband romance lessons."

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