t w e n t y - f i v e

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    "I welcome the changes in my body... I am strong, courageous, confident, and resilient enough to face this pregnancy... My life will soon be better because my baby will be in it~"

    "This is bullshit."

Jeongguk huffs out the breath he was previously inhaling as he opens his eyes. Reaching over to pause the t.v. "You're not even trying, Taehyung."

    "Because this feels ridiculous. What's going to change by me listening to some random lady talk about her pregnancy?" Taehyung argues from where he sits cross-legged across from Jeongguk in the living room.

    "They're affirmations, Tae. You're supposed to hear them as your own thoughts. To make you feel better." Jeongguk says flicking his overgrown hair out of his face. "If you did it for more than five minutes you'd probably get it."

    "We've been doing this for more than five minutes and I still don't get it." Taehyung snaps in aggravation. "And my ass hurts so can we just give this up?"

    "You promised you'd try." Jeongguk says pointing at the t.v. "It's only twenty minutes."

    "Come on, Jeongguk. Help me up, please." Taehyung pouts. "I tried and this feels ridiculous."

    "Fine." The ravenette says standing to help Taehyung up. "But every review I saw said that these really help."

    "I believe you," Taehyung says taking his hands and standing up with a groan. "I just rather do anything else. There's still a lot to get done."

    "There's nothing left to get done," Jeongguk says keeping his hands in his. "I've literally done everything you put on that list."

    "You put both cribs together?"


    "You organized the drawers exactly the way I told you to?"


    "Hospital bag?"


Taehyung narrows his eyes at Jeongguk in doubt. "Liar."

    "I did! I swear." Jeongguk defends raising his eyebrows. "I just have to put the car seats and the stroller together and everything is finished. I know who to call when it's go time and I know what you need me to take for you and the twins. All there's left to do is focus on your mental health."

   "My mental health is fine," Taehyung says rolling his eyes. "My body feels like shit, not my mind."

    "You know what I mean. You need to stay calm and relaxed in order to not trigger your labor early." Jeongguk says swinging their arms side to side between them. "And if you did what I told you to~"

    "Because you're suddenly the mental health expert, right?" Taehyung asks rolling his eyes. "I'm fine, Jeongguk. You'll be the first person to know when I'm not. Okay?"

Jeongguk purses his lips as Taehyung pulls his hands away and turns to walk to the kitchen.

"Don't worry over unnecessary things, Jeongguk," Taehyung calls as he leaves. "You'll just stress yourself out over nothing."

"Alright." The ravenette says biting the inside of his cheek as he turns the t.v. off. Plopping down on the couch with a sigh before looking down at his phone.

"Are you giving me the cold shoulder now?" Taehyung asks waddling to the couch with a water in his hand. Sitting down facing Jeongguk.

"No." He says without looking up from his phone. Still biting the inside of his cheek as he does so.

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