t w e n t y - s e v e n

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    "Taehyung didn't come with you?"

    "No. We're not really talking right now."

Jeongguk stares straight ahead as he walks by his mother's side around the rehabilitation center she was staying at for a few more weeks. Purposely avoiding the look she gives him.

    "What'd you do?" She asks looking up at him. "I know you, you did something."

    "Actually, ma, I didn't do anything." He says looking at her for a second before looking ahead again. "It's actually his fault."

    "What could he have done?" Mrs. Jeon chuckles as she hugs her son's arm. "He's so sweet, Jeongguk. Whatever it is I know he's sorry."

    "I started a medication to help me stop smoking. His friend's kid tells him he saw me taking it and everyone immediately assumes I'm on drugs." Jeongguk says kicking at a rock on the ground. Shoving his hands in the pockets of the jacket he was wearing. "I think it's fair for me to be upset about that."

    "Jeongguk, sweetheart. You know you can tell me anything. No matter where I'm at in my recovery~"

    "I'm not on drugs, ma. I'm trying to quit smoking. Is that a fucking crime?" Jeongguk exclaims in aggravation.

    "You aren't allowed to raise your voice in the peace garden." His mother says in a hushed tone. "And I never said you were. I'm just telling you that if you're thinking about using again you can tell me and I'll talk you through it."

    "I'm past that, ma. I've been past that for years." Jeongguk sighs. "Are you suddenly doubting my sobriety too? Cause I'll add you to the list of 'fuck you's I keep in the meditation journal you sent me."

    "I'm not doubting your sobriety. And I'm glad you're trying to quit smoking. Because your body is a temple and the more you realize that in life the easier it is to maintain a healthy relationship with yourself and others." His mother nods with a smile. "I know it's hard to be good when everyone starts to doubt or question you. But you can still be good, Jeongguk."

Jeongguk forces himself not to roll his eyes at his mother. He knows that those words are what's getting her through these last few weeks.

    "And I think you should talk to Taehyung. Because he sounded so upset when he called yesterday~"

    "Of course he fucking called you. You're my mom and you're on his side." Jeongguk says, not stopping the eye roll this time. "I can't win."

    "Shut up. He called because he was worried about you. Not to get me on his side." Mrs. Jeon laughs. "I'm always going to be on your side, Jeongguk. And I'm telling you to talk to him even though I'm on your side. Because I know how it feels to get the cold shoulder from a Jeon better than anyone. And so do you."

Jeongguk shakes his head as his mother refers to his father. "I'm nothing like him."

    "You've never seen yourself pissed off." His mother says looking up at him. Still holding on to his arm. "I know it's hard not to take this accusation to heart. But you can't, Jeongguk. And you can't let future accusations hurt you this much either. Because only you know the resilience of your recovery. And the more you let those accusations break you down the more steps you take backward."

    "You're such a wiseass all of a sudden, ma," Jeongguk says rolling his eyes as he takes his arm away. Wrapping it around her shoulders as they continue to stroll through the garden. "But I guess you're right."

    "Have I have steered you wrong?"

    "Do you seriously want me to answer that?"


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