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    "So, I did some research. Y'know, out of curiosity. And I saw somewhere that the baby should be the size of a raspberry by now. Is that true?"

The woman administering the ultrasound laughs a little at Taehyung's anxious rambling, moving the wand over his stomach to spread the lubricating jelly. "Sizes of the fetus can vary depending on the mother~ I mean, the carrier. It oftentimes depends on the...oh."

    "What?" Jeongguk asks from where he stands beside Taehyung. Worry striking his features when he hears the woman's tone.

    "Well, it looks like you're having twins~"

    "What?" "Huh?"

The nurse flinches at their exclamation, her eyes widening at the two. "I'm sorry~"

    "Twins? Like, two of them?" Jeongguk asks with wide eyes, obviously not believing what he was hearing.

    "Can you check again?" Taehyung asks as if the nurse wasn't looking directly at the ultrasound.

    "I'm actually pretty sure~" She starts.

    "I think you should check again."The brunette says with an urgent look in his eye. "Yeah, you should."

The nurse rubs the wand over his stomach again, watching the screen even though she is positive that they are having twins. "Yes, just what I thought. You're having twins."

Jeongguk stares at the bleary, grey screen of the ultrasound as if it would make what she was saying make sense. Taehyung stares ahead with a look of sheer panic on his face. This changes everything.

    "Dr. Song will be in shortly." The nurse says turning on the light. Handing Taehyung a few napkins with an uncomfortable smile before exiting the room and leaving the couple in silence.

Taehyung keeps his eyes forward as he wipes the jelly from his stomach, not wanting to see the devastated look Jeongguk probably has on his face.

    "Tae?" The ravenette says after a few tense minutes of silence in the room. "Are you okay?"

    "I don't know." The brunette says forcing a short laugh, shaking his head. "This changes so much, Jeongguk. I'm not ready to have two kids."

    "What does that mean?" Jeongguk asks, his brows drawing together.

    "It means I don't know, Jeongguk," Taehyung says looking up at him as he sits up. "I just don't know."

    "What is it that you don't know?" The ravenette asks with an aggravated expression. "Do you not want to have them?"

    "I don't know! What part of that is confusing you?" The brunette snaps, his expression equally as aggravated. "Do you not understand that a couple of days ago I wasn't even sure if I was ready to have one baby?  Now all of a sudden you expect me to be sure if I want to have two?"

    "What about what I want, Taehyung? They're mine too." Jeongguk says. It didn't feel fair for the decision to be entirely up to Taehyung, they were his children too.

    "You're absolutely right, Jeongguk. Only you don't have to carry them for nine months, I do. You don't have to deal with morning sickness, I do. You don't have to miss work, school, going out, but do you know what? I do!" Taehyung snaps angrily. "So I'm so fucking sorry if I'm not exactly jumping at the idea of giving up my life right now."

    "I can't believe you're being so selfish," Jeongguk says in disbelief.

Taehyung looks at him to be sure he's serious. "Oh, I'm being selfish?"

Trapped by Desire (vkook) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now