t h i r t y - t w o

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    "You don't understand~"

    "It's okay, sweetheart. We're going to get you into to surgery as soon as possible."

    "No, it's too soon. It's too soon."

The nurses don't pay much attention to what Taehyung has to say. Doing their best to quickly fill his chart out before the doctor comes in.

    "Jeongguk." Taehyung says through his labored breathing. Wanting him to explain their situation.

    "Is Dr. Song anywhere around here?" Jeongguk asks the nurse. "She's been in charge of all our medical stuff."

    "She's coming as soon as she can~"

    "The thing is that he's still not far along enough to have the babies." Jeongguk explains. "So if there's some way you can stop the labor, or...."

    "We can only delay a labor so many times. So it's in his best interest and the fetuses that he deliver them this time. While he's strong enough to undergo the cesarean section. And he's already been prepped for surgery."

    "It's too soon." Taehyung says closing his eyes as another contraction hits. "Ughh!"

    "Okay, thank you." Jeongguk says letting the nurse go before turning back to Taehyung.

    "No, she has to stop it. It's too soon, they're going to be sick, Jeongguk~"

    "They're going to be fine. They're strong enough to come now~"

    "No." Taehyung cries. "Jeongguk, please don't let them. Please."

    "They have to, baby." Jeongguk says kneeling beside the bed and taking Taehyung's hand. "Look at me, Tae. Look at me."

Taehyung looks Jeongguk in the eye with an excruciated expression. His eyes almost wild with pain as he squeezes Jeongguk's hand.

    "You're doing everything you're supposed to be doing. And you're going to be fine." Jeongguk promises just as the doctor and his team enter the room. "When you wake up~"

    "No." Taehyung sobs holding Jeongguk's hand tighter.

Dr. Song walks in behind the doctor wearing surgical scrubs. "How are we doing, Taehyung?"

    "It's too soon." Taehyung repeats for the umpteenth time. Tears falling down his face.

    "Listen to me, sweetheart. Try to breath normally, okay?" Dr. Song says calmly as the  other doctors prep Taehyung for his surgery. "We have to go through with the c-section while you and the twins are still strong enough to get through it. We can't medicate you again without risking a stillbirth."

Her words only make Taehyung cry harder. All he could think about was how sick the twins may be if they come now.

    "Listen to Jeongguk." Dr. Song says. "Keep listening to his voice."

Jeongguk sighs as he steps back beside Taehyung's bedside. Taking his hand back in his. "When you wake up this will all be over. All the pain will be over. And you'll finally meet them, Tae. You'll finally meet our boys."

"Jeongguk," Taehyung cries, it's like it was the only thing he could bring himself to say.

"I know. I know, baby." Jeongguk says swallowing his own tears. "I love you, okay? And I'll be right here when you wake up. As soon as you wake up."

"I love you." Taehyung manages to respond as the doctor puts a mask over his face.

Jeongguk watches nervously until Taehyung's eyes flutter shut. His grip on his hand falling limp.

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