s i x t y - s e v e n

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Jeongguk stares down at his phone after Taehyung hangs up, his expression distant and lost in his thoughts.

    "Was he upset?" Jimin asks walking into the kitchen.

Jeongguk shakes his head, still looking off as he thinks about Taehyung's response when he told him about Jimin. It wasn't what he was expecting to hear, it wasn't what he was hoping he'd say.

    "What's wrong?" Jimin asks looking at the ravenette with a concerned expression. "You look upset."

    "No, I'm just thinking." He says meeting Jimin's eyes. "I just...I still don't get why you showed up now. You keep saying that you couldn't stay away anymore, but why now?"

    "I don't know. It just felt like the time." Jimin says. "I'm sorry if I'm throwing everything off."

Jeongguk sighs, pushing his hair away from his face. He didn't know why he expected Taehyung to be the one to tell him the truth about this situation. He just wanted the brunette to tell him that something didn't seem right and that it was too sudden. He wanted Taehyung to tell him that there had to be a solid reason why Jimin chose this day to show up.

But he didn't, he just told him to go for it. And it was conflicting because a part of him wanted to. He genuinely had feelings for Jimin, and if he wanted him he was willing to take him back. He was just afraid he was making an impulse decision by jumping back in so quickly.

    "I have to work in the morning," Jeongguk says checking the time on his phone. "You can stay if want."

"I won't, I have some things to take care of tomorrow morning," Jimin says. "We should go out soon though."

"Sure." The ravenette says smiling softly as he leads Jimin to the door. "Let me know when you get home."

"I will." He says hugging Jeongguk. "Thank you for listening to me today, you didn't have to but I'm happy you did."

Jeongguk hugs him back. "It wasn't a problem." He says before pulling away. "Be careful."

"I will be." Jimin smiles before turning to leave. Waving once more before disappearing down the driveway.

Jeongguk shuts the door after he's gone, sighing to himself as he goes to get ready for bed.

He had a lot to think about now.


Jimin glances back at the door as he walks away, releasing a tense sigh when Jeongguk closes it. He walks down a couple of blocks where Chiwon was supposed to be waiting for him.

"How'd it go?" The older asks when Jimin climbs into the passenger seat.

"It went." He says buckling his seatbelt. "Let's just get the fuck out of here, I'm freaking out."

"What happened?" Chiwon asks as he drives.

"Nothing, I just don't feel right doing this," Jimin says leaning against the window. "I can't believe I'm doing this."

"You act like you're killing the guy or something." Chiwon chuckles. "The only thing you're doing is helping me get back what's mine."

"When did his family steal that money, Chiwon? Fifteen years ago?" Jimin asks looking at him. "You do realize that he was eight years old fifteen years ago, right?"

"Please, Jimin, don't make me out to be the bad guy right now. I didn't put a gun to your head and force you to come here, alright? You could've said you weren't doing it and that would've been the end of it." Chiwon says. "You're here because you need that money just as much as I do."

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