o n e - h u n d r e d - f i v e

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~time skip~

    "It's going to be sad to see you guys go,"

    "I know, I'm sad to leave, but it has to be done. We've been here for eight years now."

Jeongguk sighs as he searches through the bathroom cabinets for the shampoo that Taehyung was asking for.

    "Appa, can we leave now?" Jaehyung asks popping his head in the bathroom. "You said it was time to go, like, a long time ago."

    "I know, Jae, I'm just getting the stuff Dada asked for." Jeongguk says looking at him. "Go wait downstairs with your brother and sister."

Jaehyung huffs as he leaves the room. They've all been anxious to get to the hospital to see Taehyung.

    "You're taking them now?" Seokjin asks.

    "Yeah, they've been bugging me since I picked them up from school," Jeongguk says putting the last of Taehyung's toiletries in his toiletry bag.

    "I won't keep you then," Seokjin says. "Congrats on buying the house, and good luck with everything."

    "Thanks, hyung. We'll see you soon, okay?"

    "Okay, bye-bye,"

Jeongguk checks over the bathroom once more to be sure he isn't forgetting anything before heading downstairs.

    "Alright, let's file out," He says waving them to the door. "Dada's expecting us."

    "Finally," Hanjae says as they all get up from the couch. "Are we going straight there."

    "Yep, straight there," Jeongguk says picking Jaein up. He puts her in the car, making sure Hanjae and Jaehyung are buckled in as well before heading to the hospital.

He makes sure to give them a rundown on how to behave when they get there, knowing how boisterous they can get when they're excited.

    "Okay, remember what I said?" He asks when they're right outside the room. "Be gentle, with the baby and Dada, and use your inside voices."

    "Okay," Jaehyung and Hanjae nod in understanding, Jaein following their lead and nodding as well.

Jeongguk nods before opening the door, letting the kids walk in first. Taehyung immediately smiles when he sees them, the baby nestled in his arms when they walk in.

    "Easy," Jeongguk warns as Jaehyung and Hanjae rush over.

    "It's okay, Gguk," Taehyung says looking at him. His eyes falling to Jaein, who stands behind Jeongguk with an apprehensive expression. "Do you want to see the baby, Jaein?"

She nods but she doesn't move any closer, clinging to Jeongguk's shirt.

    "Look, Jaein," Jeongguk says picking her up and stepping closer. She looks at the baby, a small smile forming on her face.

Jaehyung and Hanjae look at the baby in awe as well, they couldn't believe it was finally here.

    "You made that?" Jaehyung asks looking at Taehyung.

Jeongguk laughs at the question. "Yeah, he did."

Taehyung cuts his eye at him before looking back at the baby. "Do you want to hear his name?"

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