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Taehyung sits in his room folding the baby clothes that had just gotten in.

The tiny clothes bring a smile to his face as he places them in the drawer. But they do little to make him forget the hurt still stirring in his chest.

He knew he had no right to be upset. But knowing that didn't change the fact that he felt like crying right now.

"You're being ridiculous." He sighs to himself as he forces himself not to cry. He wanted to blame it on his pregnancy, and maybe it was partially the reason. But he felt more hurt than emotional.

How could Jeongguk go from saying he was falling in love with him to leaving town to be with somebody else?

Taehyung starts to wonder if Jeongguk left because he didn't accept his confession. If he had maybe he'd be here instead of in Busan with a woman.

The brunette sighs as that familiar flutter returns to his stomach. He was happy the babies were starting to move, but it still made him feel nauseous.

It was times like this when he wished he had someone to hold him. To hug him close and tell him everything was going to be alright.

Taehyung had never pictured himself in this situation. But if he did he wouldn't have pictured it like this.

Folding baby clothes alone in the apartment of his children's father while he was away with another woman.

He didn't want to admit it. But he was lonely. And he felt lonely all the time.

For some reason being around people made it worse. It just made him feel further isolated. Like he was some freak of nature that no one could understand.

Taehyung sighs as he wipes away his tears. Shaking his head as another wave of emotion washed over him. "I'm such an idiot."

His phone vibrates against the floor next to him. Hoseok's name showing up on the screen. The brunette quickly clears his throat as he answers. "Hey, Hobi."

    "Hey, baby. Are you busy?" The older asks from the other line. His voice as charismatic and full of life as it always is.

    "No. I'm just folding clothes." Taehyung answers. "What's up?"

    "Nothing. I'm meeting Jimin for dinner and I want you to come." Hoseok says. "Joon's coming and Yoongi's out of town again this week. I need a dinner date so I'm not third-wheeling."

    "Oh...Jimin and Namjoon are going to be there?" Taehyung asks with a frown in his voice. He didn't want to go and make things awkward.

    "Yeah. Will you come?"

Taehyung wanted to go see his friends but he felt like there'd be too much tension. That, and it seemed like Hobi's only inviting him as an afterthought.

    "I'm actually kind of tired, hyung. You guys go without me." He says deflating a bit. "I'll tag along next time."

    "Aw, alright fine." Hoseok pouts. "I'll see you next time."

    "Alright. Bye, Hobi."


Taehyung ends the call before setting his phone back down. Silence falling over the quiet room again as he continued folding the clothes.

His stomach flutters again. Almost as a reminder that he is in fact not alone. He never truly was because he had the twins.

And even though it only made him feel a little better, he was grateful for them.

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