t w e n t y - t h r e e

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Taehyung walks into the house after driving around by himself for a while. Groaning softly as he stepped out of his shoes. His feet have started swelling horribly since entering week twenty.

He looks around the house as he leans down to grab his shoes. He was still getting used to living in such a nice place. It wasn't too modern and it had a warmth to it that Taehyung loved. He hopes to be able to raise the twins in a nice house like this one day.

    "Hey, you're back," Jeongguk says getting Taehyung's attention as he walks from his mother's room. A smile on his face as he greets the younger. "I thought you'd be gone longer."

    "I cut things short with Seokjin today." Taehyung sighs sadly as he thinks of the way he reacted to the older's words of encouragement. "He pissed me off but it wasn't his fault."

    "I'm sure you both will be back to normal in a few hours." Jeongguk chuckles as puts his arm around Taehyung. Kissing him quickly before pulling away. "You guys seem to always be at odds lately."

    "I don't want to talk about it." Taehyung whines with a pout as he leads Jeongguk to the kitchen. Dropping his shoes on the floor before he walks in. "How's your mom? Is she still not ready to meet me?"

    "Uh...there's a little progress there," Jeongguk says leaning forward on the island that stands in the center of the large kitchen area. "She still has to process the whole male-carrier thing."

Taehyung nods understandingly. "That's okay. I understand how she feels. It's a weird thing to think about."

   "It's not weird. Plenty of men go through this, Taehyung. It's only considered unusual because no one talks about it." Jeongguk says looking at his hands. "And that's not the only reason she won't meet you right now. She just needs a few more days to get out of her funk."

    "I get it. And I'm ready whenever she is." Taehyung says opening the refrigerator in search of something salty to satisfy his cravings. "I'm just glad she's here. And that you're happy."

"Yeah. I am happy she's here." Jeongguk says distantly as he thought about his mother's current state of mental stability. He just wanted her to be willing to get the help that she needed right now. "Anyways, why'd Seokjin piss you off today?"

Taehyung immediately groans and rolls his eyes. "He felt the need to lecture me about you buying this house for you and your mother. Like you bought it for us or something. When I told him that that wasn't the case."

"Mhm." Jeongguk hums for him to continue.

"So he went on this whole spew about making sure I stayed motivated to finish school and all that bullshit," Taehyung says as he finds a bag of chips in one of the cupboards. "So I told him that I was a grown-ass man with goals for the future. Goals that I've had longer than I've even known him."

"Right." Jeongguk nods as he listens.

"I was mostly pissed because I keep hearing the same things from everyone. Jimin thinks I let my feelings for you cloud my judgment, so does Namjoon~"

"Screw Namjoon~"

"And now Seokjin," Taehyung says without acknowledging Jeongguk's words. "Why does everyone think you make me fucking stupid?"

"I don't know, Tae. But it's not true." Jeongguk says. "And even if it were I wouldn't let you lose track of your goals because of me. Your future isn't just about you and neither is mine."

"I just don't know why it seems like everyone is against us." Taehyung sighs leaning against the counter. "I don't even feel comfortable telling them we're together because I know what they'll think. And they're my closest friends."

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