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"His pressure skyrocketed so the twins were in distress. That on top of the Braxton-Hicks was definitely a lot to go through. But it was still false labor. His placenta would've moved higher up by now if he was in labor."

Jeongguk nods, sighing in relief. "So he's good until when?"

"We'll keep him overnight. But the medication won't ware off for another three or four days. That will get him to week thirty-two. Which is still way too soon." Dr. Song explains looking at Taehyung, who was completely zoned out from the medication they gave him to immediately stop the contractions. "How are we feeling, sweetheart?"

    "I can't feel my legs." Taehyung responds staring off. "I can't feel anything. I can't feel my babies."

    "They're there, trust me." Dr. Song chuckles before speaking to Jeongguk again. "It's not good for his pressure to skyrocket so frequently. Especially when he's alone. If he would've gotten here sooner I wouldn't have had to sedate him."

    "I understand. We're going through some stuff right now that's the only reason he was alone. But it's not going to happen again, I swear."

    "Whatever it is you're going through, maybe put it on the back burner for a while." Dr. Song says. "Stress isn't good for him right now. Especially when his blood pressure is out of wack."

"Yeah, I understand." Jeongguk nods looking over at Taehyung. "I'll keep an eye on him."

"Okay. I'll come check on you in a bit." Dr. Songs says before exiting the hospital room. Leaving Jeongguk and Taehyung alone in the small room.

"Hey, baby. How are you feeling?" Jeongguk asks walking over and sitting on the edge of the bed.

"I can't feel anything." Taehyung sighs opening his eyes. "It's a nice contrast to constantly feeling. I mean....you know what I mean."

"I know what you mean." The ravenette sighs taking Taehyung's hand in his. "I'm sorry I wasn't there when they first started."

"It's okay." He chuckles softly as he looks at him. "Where'd you run off to all day?"

"I went to my dad's. And I went to Seokjin's." Jeongguk says looking down at his and Taehyung's interlocked fingers. "He told me you wanted me to take a drug tested."

"I do." Taehyung nods blinking slowly.

"Do you not trust me?" Jeongguk asks despite knowing he probably wouldn't like the answer.

"No, I trust you. I want you to get tested mostly for me." Taehyung shrugs lethargically. "Because it'll confirm my trust in you."

"And if I don't pass? Does that mean you'll leave me?" Jeongguk asks looking up at him. Wanting to see his face when he answered.

"Don't scare me like that." Taehyung chuckles. "You'll pass. Because you said you haven't used since you met me."

"If I pass, no more drug testing." Jeongguk says. "Deal?"

"Deal." Taehyung nods before closing his eyes. "I trust you, Gguk. And I love you. And I love that I'll always have a part of you in my life. Even if you aren't."

"I'm not going anywhere."

"I believe you."

Jeongguk chuckles softly, shaking his head as he looks at the brunette. "You aren't going to remember any of this, are you?"

Taehyung laughs a little without opening his eyes. Squeezing Jeongguk's hand slightly. "I love you."

"I love you too, Tae." The ravenette sighs before letting the younger doze off again.

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