n i n e t y - e i g h t

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    "How many more weeks?"

     "Uhh...three? It's a nine week program."

Jeongguk nods as he sits down across from Saebin in the visitation parlor. He looks around the room, it was a nice facility as far as he could tell by the room. "Do you like it?"

    "Hell no," Saebin mumbles, glancing at the guard by the door. "Feels like a prison. And I hate wearing green."

    "Is it helping you at all?" Jeongguk asks. "You told Taehyung you had therapy five times a week, right?"

    "Where's Taehyung? He said he'd come last time I called." Saebin says instead of answering. "Did he forget?"

    "No, he had to work. It's hard since visitations are only on weekday mornings." Jeongguk says. "Are you gonna answer me?"

    "Yeah, I have therapy before school every day." Saebin sighs, pulling at the sleeves of the green sweatshirt he was wearing. "I take medicine too but they can't tell me what it is."

    "Good, I'm really proud of you for being here, Bin." Jeongguk says. "You had me worried, y'know?"

    "Yeah, if you didn't freak out I wouldn't be here." The thirteen year old says. "They make you feel crazy in here but it's not that bad. I color pictures like an elementary schooler most of the day."

Jeongguk laughs a little at that. "You seem like you're doing a lot better."

    "I guess," Saebin sighs. "I wanna go home."

    "You're close, these last three weeks will fly by." Jeongguk says. "We're gonna throw a huge party when you come home."

    "Whatever," Saebin says looking down to hide his smile. "Does...Does Namjoon ask about me?"

    "Yeah, your dad fills him in on what's going on." Jeongguk nods. "He understands though, really."

Saebin nods, biting the inside of his cheek. "I shouldn't have told him not to come. I know it just complicates things."

    "He understands that you needed the space to get better mentally. He still loves you." Jeongguk says. "You can always call him when you have time."

    "Two minutes, Kim."

Saebin frowns, shifting towards the guard. "I haven't been down here twenty minutes."

"You got time taken off for your behavior during recreation, you know that." She says. "I'm sorry, two minutes."

"That's bullshit, I barely even had five minutes~"

"Saebin," Jeongguk says in a warning tone.

"She should've fucking told me I had less time." Saebin says looking at Jeongguk. "She's doing it on purpose~"

"Time's up, Kim, come on." The guard says, gesturing for him to come. "They aren't my rules, sweetheart, I'm sorry."

"Fucking bullshit, I swear to god." Saebin mumbles angrily as he stands, kicking the chair he was sitting in.

"Calm down, Saebin." Jeongguk says standing. "Call me tomorrow, okay?"

Saebin nods, looking away as tears form in his eyes. He always had a hard time saying goodbye to his dad and Jeongguk when they came to see him.

Jeongguk sighs as Saebin walks out of the room with tears in his eyes. "Thanks." He says to the guard before leaving the parlor.

It was hard for him to leave Saebin, he could only imagine how hard it was for him to actually have to stay here.

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