f i f t y - t h r e e

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    "I was surprised when you called."

    "I wouldn't have if it wasn't important."

Jihyuk smiles as he lets his brother into his home. Patting him on the shoulder before leading him to the kitchen where his wife is helping his oldest son with his homework.

    "Jeongguk, I haven't seen you in over a year." Emiko, Jihyuk's wife, says standing from the kitchen table. "I didn't think I'd see much of you after you endangered the life of my children."

    "Take him out of here." Jihyuk says nodding at his son. "I have to talk to him."

    "Go to your room, honey." Emiko says ushering the boy out of the kitchen before turning to Jihyuk. "I want him out of this house."

    "He's my brother, Emiko~"

    "No he isn't. I want him out." The woman snaps, glaring at Jeongguk as she walks out of the kitchen.

Jihyuk rolls his eyes as he opens the refrigerator. "Don't mind her, she's been extremely agitated lately. I think she's pregnant, honestly."

    "I called because I need your help, Jihyuk." Jeongguk says crossing his arms. "It's important."

    "I hear you." The older says. "Beer?"

    "No." The ravenette says before Jihyuk closes the refrigerator. "It's about Taehyung."

    "Of course it is. When is it ever not about Taehyung?" He asks sitting down at the kitchen table. "What's the problem?"

    "He's been missing for a month now." Jeongguk says sitting down across from him. "His apartment is empty and no one's heard from him."

    "Doesn't he have a boyfriend?" Jihyuk asks cracking open his beer.

    "Yeah." Jeongguk nods.

    "Okay? So what makes you think he's not with him?" Jihyuk shrugs. "Maybe they moved in together."

    "He hasn't even tried to see the twins. He said he was going to come get them Wednesday last month and never did." Jeongguk stresses. "Taehyung wouldn't do that. And he wouldn't run off with his boyfriend."

    "Are you sure?"


Jihyuk sighs as he takes a swig of his beer. Thinking for a moment to himself. "I can find him if you want me to."

    "I don't know what else to do." Jeongguk says. "Something has to be wrong."

    "What's the boyfriend's name?" Jihyuk asks pulling out his phone.

    "Uhm, Joohyuk. Nam, I think."

    "Where does Taehyung work?"

    "Seoul Primary."

Jihyuk hums as he takes note of the information.

    "How long will it take to find him?" Jeongguk asks. "Days, weeks?"

    "It depends." Jihyuk says. "It's been over seventy-two hours, that could mean a lot of things."

    "You think he's dead?" Jeongguk asks, it hurts to even speak those words into existence.

    "I don't know, maybe." Jihyuk shrugs. "If he isn't I should be able to find him in a few weeks."

Jeongguk sits back in his seat with a distant look in his eyes. "He can't be dead, Jihyuk. Why would anyone do that? Taehyung's never hurt anyone."

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