s i x t y - f i v e

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    "This is a bad idea."

Jihyuk sighs as he throws his car in park. Shifting towards Jeongguk after unbuckling his seatbelt. "Why are you being such a punk?"

    "I'm not trying to lose my life over some bullshit." Jeongguk snaps. "I thought you said you were going to handle him."

    "I am. I can't just walk up and kill him, Jeongguk. You know that." Jihyuk says reach over Jeongguk and opening the glove box. "Take this," he says handing him a G47. "If things get complicated just shoot him in the leg or something and I'll pull around to get you."

Jeongguk groans as he takes the gun. "If I get in trouble for this I swear to god~"

    "Are we eleven years old? Get out of the fucking car." Jihyuk snaps. "Don't be a bitch."

    "I'm not a bitch." Jeongguk says positioning the gun in the waistband of his jeans before getting out of the car. "If I don't come back in five minutes come get me."

Jihyuk shoots him a thumbs up, driving off after Jeongguk closes the passenger door.

Jeongguk sighs as he walks down to the lowest level of the deserted parking garage. He was supposed to meet Chiwon to discuss ultimatums as far as Taehyung and the baby were concerned.

Of course they had no intention of ever giving Chiwon the baby or reasoning with him. They just needed to buy more time.

    "I almost thought you weren't going to show." Chiwon smirks when he sees Jeongguk round the corner.

    "This better be good, Chiwon." Jeongguk says approaching him. "Since we couldn't possibly discuss it over the phone."

Chiwon chuckles as he sizes Jeongguk up. He pushes himself away from the wall he was leaning on. "You here alone?"

    "Yeah." Jeongguk says. "That was the agreement wasn't it?"

    "Come on, Jeongguk, don't lie." The older says. "I'm not an idiot."

    "I beg to differ." The ravenette says. "Start talking or I'm gone."

    "How's my fiancé?" Chiwon asks. "Are you taking good care of him for me?"

Jeongguk has to refrain from reacting on impulse, instead he keeps his composure. "I hope you know that I'm not letting you anywhere near him."

    "When he gets desperate enough, or lonely enough, he'll come back. That's how he is, I'm sure you know that better than anyone."

    "Your mind games won't work on me, Chiwon." Jeongguk says. "If we came here to talk about Taehyung you're wasting your time."

    "You're right, we aren't here for Taehyung." Chiwon says. "You said you wanted to reach some kind of understanding about my kid?"

    "Yeah." The ravenette says. "If it's a girl you go away and leave Taehyung alone, and if it's a boy it's all yours. Easy."

Chiwon quirks an eyebrow, watching Jeongguk's expression to see if he was joking. "You're serious?"

    "Either agree or disagree." Jeongguk says. "It's fair and Taehyung doesn't have to get involved."

    "Taehyung knows about this?"

    "Of course."

Chiwon laughs in disbelief. "This is by far the dumbest thing I've ever heard in my life."

    "Either agree or disagree." Jeongguk repeats.

    "And if I disagree?" Chiwon challenges.

Trapped by Desire (vkook) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now