t w e n t y - n i n e

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    "What is this about, hyung? I was on my way to a meeting?"

    "I know. Just give me five minutes."

Jeongguk sighs as Seokjin pulls him inside his apartment. He only came over because Seokjin said it was urgent and he needed to speak with him as soon as possible.

    "What was so urgent?" Jeongguk asks following Seokjin to the living room.

    "I said time-sensitive. Not urgent." He says sitting down before patting the spot next to him. "Sit down. We need to talk."

    "I really don't have time for this~"

    "You had enough time to come over. Can't you spare five minutes of your time?" Seokjin pouts dramatically. "I know I don't deserve your time after what I did~"

    "Shut up," Jeongguk says rolling his eyes as he sits down. "You didn't do anything wrong. I would've reacted the same way I guess."

    "I'm still sorry. Saebin's been dying to see you if that makes you feel better." The older says. "He even cried a little the other day."

Jeongguk shakes his head as he laughs a little. "Whatever. Where is he now?"

"Namjoon took him to get ice cream," Seokjin says checking the time. "They should be back any minute now."

"I thought Saebin hated going with Namjoon," Jeongguk says fidgeting with the piercing in his lip.

"He does unless there's ice cream involved." Seokjin laughs. "I don't get why he isn't comfortable with Namjoon. How is he more comfortable with you than he is with Namjoon?"

"You say that like he's supposed to be uncomfortable around me. I don't treat the little shit badly." Jeongguk says, obviously offended. "Maybe he likes me because I'm not fucking his dad."

"Saebin doesn't understand any of that, asshole," Seokjin exclaims hitting Jeongguk in the arm. "He only likes you because you let him do whatever he wants."

"Maybe you should ask him," Jeongguk says before the front door opens as if on cue.

"JK!" Saebin gasps excitedly when he sees Jeongguk sitting on the couch.

"SB!" The ravenette says back as the six-year-old rushes over to him. Laughing as he takes the boy in his arms.

Seokjin smiles, shaking his head as he watches as Jeongguk lets Saebin tackle him down onto the couch. "Don't be too rough, Saebin."

"Hey, baby," Namjoon says leaning over the back of the couch to greet Seokjin with a kiss. "He came."

"Yeah." The older chuckles as he kisses Namjoon briefly. "Take Saebin to the kitchen while we talk?"

"Yeah. Come on, Saebin. Daddy and Jeongguk are having an adult conversation." Namjoon says heading to the kitchen. "Let's go eat the ice cream you picked."

"No, JK is here for me." Saebin pouts hugging Jeongguk's neck tightly. "I don't want to go with you."

"You're choking me, kid," Jeongguk says tapping the six-year-old's arm.

"Go to the kitchen, please, Saebin," Seokjin says trying to pull him away from Jeongguk.

"No, no, no." Saebin cries hugging Jeongguk tighter. "I don't want you to leave, JK."

"I'm not leaving, jeez," Jeongguk says before tickling his sides to make him let go. Laughing at him as Seokjin sits him down. "Go to the kitchen. I'm gonna be here when you get back."

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