s e v e n t y - f i v e

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"Open another one, Jaehyung."

Taehyung smiles as he watches Jaehyung and Hanjae open their gifts with tired eyes. It was almost eight in the morning when Jeongguk woke everyone up for gifts. Jaehyung and Hanjae didn't have a clue what was going on but they were excited to see the presents around the tree.

"These are yours, Hanie." Jeongguk says directing Hanjae to his pile of gifts.

"Look, Jaehyung," Taehyung says picking out one of the presents. "Don't you want to open this one?"

Jaehyung looks up from the lego train set he was trying to get out of the box. "Mhm,"

"Then come get it," Taehyung chuckles.

Jeongguk helps Hanjae open his gifts while Taehyung helps Jaehyung. The two of them smiling as they watch the boys open their gifts with messy hair and sleepy eyes.

"Do you like it?" Jeongguk asks showing Hanjae the robot Taehyung got for him. "Dada picked it."

"Dada," Hanjae repeats as he looks at the robot in the packaging.

"So we're not tricking them into believing in Santa?" Taehyung asks looking at Jeongguk.

"I'm not giving a stranger credit for all the work we did." The ravenette says rolling his eyes.

Taehyung chuckles softly before returning his attention back to Jaehyung.

"Grab that bag, Hanie," Jeongguk says standing Hanjae up and pointing him in the right direction of the gift bag. "Give it to dada." He says nodding at Taehyung as he begins to gather the torn up gift wrap.

Hanjae drags the large bag over to Taehyung as best he can before going back to play with the robot, even though it's still in the pack.

    "You really suck, Jeongguk, you know that right?" Taehyung says looking up at him.

    "I know, I can't help it." The ravenette chuckles. "Technically speaking, though, it's not really for you."

    "I would've been fine if we agreed to gifts." The brunette pouts. "You're making me feel bad."

    "Don't feel bad, I really didn't want anything." Jeongguk says. "I couldn't not get you something, seriously. It's your first Christmas since you were a kid."

Taehyung sighs, he felt bad receiving gifts from Jeongguk when he didn't get him anything. He knew Jeongguk was trying to make his financial load as light as possible since he wasn't currently teaching, and this made him feel worse about his current position.

    "Open it," Jeongguk smiles as he watches him. "It's for the baby."

Taehyung tries not to be upset as he starts to unpack the things in the gift bag. Jeongguk went out of his way by getting him gifts.

    "I tried to pick neutral colors, I really did," Jeongguk warns as Taehyung pulls the first item out. "It's harder than I expected."

Taehyung smiles down at the little clothes. He felt himself getting emotional as he looks at how small the clothes were in his hands. "I can't believe the boys used to be this small."

Jeongguk chuckles. "Right, time goes by fast. It'll go by fast with this one too."

Taehyung nods. "Thank you, Jeongguk, really. You didn't have to do this."

    "I wanted to." Jeongguk shrugs before nodding to the bag. "Keep going." He says before patiently watching Taehyung take everything out of the bag one by one.

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