s i x t e e n

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It's been three days since Jeongguk and Namjoon both confessed to Taehyung, and the brunette has yet to address either of them.

It wasn't because he didn't know what to say. Or because he was afraid to hurt them.

He was afraid to hurt himself.

Namjoon was his best friend. He knew everything about him. What he liked, what he didn't like. His favorite food, his favorite movie. Even little things, Namjoon knew.

Even though he never thought about Namjoon romantically he couldn't help but wonder what it would be like. How would it feel to be with someone who knows him so well? Someone he's known for years...

Namjoon was sweet and he was such a great friend. He was caring and he was kind. And he meant so much to Taehyung. They had an emotional connection, which was why they've always been the closest out of their friend group.

But how could he even consider a relationship with Namjoon when Jimin was his friend. He's known Jimin almost as long as he's known Namjoon and it felt like he was betraying him.

And of course, he had feelings for Jeongguk. How could he not?

But it felt like he was falling for a stranger whenever those feelings stirred in his chest. Because he knew nothing about Jeongguk.

They've been around each other constantly for months now and it still felt like they just met.

Jeongguk doesn't open up about anything. Not about work, his family, and he doesn't seem to have any friends. Taehyung doesn't even know when his birthday is.

But that didn't change the way his heart raced when they touched. Or the way all his worries seem to disappear when they were together.

It was almost impossible for Taehyung to tell if he was falling for Jeongguk or falling for the idea of him.

If he and Jeongguk did happen to work out things would be ideal. They'd be together and they'd have a family and things would be perfect.

But it wasn't that simple. They wouldn't work if Jeongguk was unwilling to open up to him. They couldn't be in a relationship solely because it was convenient and they were attracted to each other.

"Taehyung?" Jeongguk says from the other side of his door, knocking softly to get the brunette's attention.

"Yeah?" Taehyung calls back without moving from his bed. Keeping his back to the door when it opens.

"Are you asleep?" The ravenette asks when he finds the younger still laying down.

"No." The brunette sighs before pushing himself up. His back still to the older. "What is it?"

"I have to go out of town. I'll be gone for a few days." Jeongguk says. "I'm just letting you know."

"Where out of town?" Taehyung asks looking over at him. He knew he wasn't going to get the truth but he had to ask at least.

"Um, Busan." The ravenette shrugs. "I'm taking my mom. We have family there."

Taehyung nods before looking away. Rolling his eyes a little at the obvious lie. "Just be careful then."

"I will be," Jeongguk says. "I'll see you in a few days."

"Okay." The brunette says shortly before Jeongguk leaves again.

This is exactly what he meant. Everything Jeongguk said sounded like a lie.

~Jeon residence...~

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