t w e n t y - f o u r

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~time skip~

"This is an exciting week for you guys, right? Week thirty is a huge deal."

"I'm miserable."

Dr. Song laughs as she watches the screen during the ultrasound. "It's completely normal to feel like crap ninety percent of the time, Taehyung. You're almost finished."

Taehyung sighs as he watches the screen as well. "Thank god."

The past ten weeks have been the literal definition of a living hell for Taehyung. He was in no way prepared for the obstacles he had to overcome during this horrible ~ I mean, these past ten weeks.

From swollen feet to back pains, he felt like his body was seriously kicking his ass. And on top of that, his mood swings grew worse every day...at least that's what Jeongguk tells him.

Taehyung himself found it perfectly reasonable to cry for an hour straight after watching one of his favorite shitty rom-coms.

    "My shoes don't fit, my clothes don't fit, I can't sleep without having to pee every ten minutes." Taehyung lists tiredly as he watches the screen. "I knew it was going to get harder. But I didn't expect to feel so bad."

    "That's understandable, Taehyung. And I know it's hard. But we have to try to keep them in as close to the due date as possible. I told you that last week when the Braxton hicks started." Dr. Song says standing and turning the lights on before handing Taehyung some paper towels.

    "Did you ever find out anything about his arm?" Jeongguk asks as he helps Taehyung sit up after he's wiped all the jelly off.

    "Yes. So I looked into some of your earlier ultrasound photos and I noticed that one of the boys has shifted slightly." Dr. Song starts explaining. "He's pushing on your sciatic nerve. Which is causing carpal tunnel in your right arm."

    "What does that mean?" Taehyung asks with a sigh. It's like he couldn't catch a break. It was always something.

    "Nothing serious. We can get you some treatment to help relieve the pain." The woman says. "But it's nothing to worry about. I'm sure he'll shift again and get right off that sciatic nerve."

Taehyung nods. "Okay."

    "Also, baby one is transverse currently and the other is breech. Which, in your case, is completely okay." Dr. Song continues. "Because you will be undergoing a cesarean section when it's time to deliver."

    "Okay. Thank you, Dr. Song." Jeongguk says with a small smile. "You've really helped us out a lot through this."

    "It's not over yet. But it will be soon." The woman smiles. "You guys are going to be great parents."

Taehyung forces a smile as Dr. Song leaves the room. Quickly dropping it when she's gone. "I don't think I can get through ten weeks of feeling like this, Jeongguk. I feel miserable."

    "I know, babe. I'm so sorry." Jeongguk says helping him off the table. "I know it's hard but you have to hold on. So that the twins are healthy enough to be born. You'll get through it."

    "You're only saying that because you don't have a three-pound cucumber laying on your sciatic nerve." Taehyung pouts as they walk out of the room. "I wish your mom was back already to make me some soup."

    "She's only been gone a week, Taehyung. Her program lasts a while." Jeongguk says keeping his arm around the brunette.

    "Then I'll call Jin and Namjoon," Taehyung says, pairing the two since they recently (and unexpectedly) became a couple.

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