o n e - h u n d r e d - f o u r

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    "That's why when you make a decision, you have to stick with it. Do you understand?"


Taehyung nods as he ties a band at the end of Jaein's braid. Using a couple butterfly clips to pin the loose hair out of her face.

    "Are you excited for art lessons?" He asks as he finishes her hair.

    "Yeah," Jaein says reaching up to mess with the clips in her hair. "'M gonna draw a butterfly for Appa to hang up."

    "I'm sure it'll be a beautiful butterfly." Taehyung smiles as he lifts her out of the chair she was sitting in, shifting her to his hip as he heads out of the bathroom.

Jeongguk is walking in just as he gets downstairs, his hair pushed messily out of his face after a stressful day at work. "Hey,"

    "Tough day?" Taehyung asks, smiling sympathetically when Jeongguk nods his head.

    "Are you ready to go, pretty girl?" He asks Jaein as he takes her from Taehyung.

    "I can take her, Gguk. I'll take Jae and Hanie for ice cream until she's finished so you can have some time off." Taehyung says. "It won't count for a time out."

    "Are you sure?" Jeongguk asks. "You worked today too."

    "Yeah, it's the last day of school though." Taehyung says. "And the boys had good report cards so they deserve a treat."

    "Alright." Jeongguk says giving in, kissing Jaein on the cheek before putting her down. "Have fun at your art lesson, okay? I love you."

    "Love you too," Jaein responds as she skips to the front door.

    "Hang on, pretty, I have to go get your brothers." Taehyung says before turning to Jeongguk. "Are you sure you're okay?"

    "Yeah, Tae, I'm fine. Don't worry about me." The ravenette says. "Are you feeling okay?"

    "Yeah, I have an appointment tomorrow so I'll ask Dr. Song for the gender then." Taehyung says raking Jeongguk's hair down with his fingers.

    "I'm sorry I can't be there," Jeongguk says. "I wish I could."

    "I know," Taehyung pouts. "I'll be fine though, Namjoon said he'd go with me."

    "Alright," Jeongguk nods. "I'll tell the boys to come down."

Jeongguk climbs the stairs tiredly, his body physically aching with exhaustion. He can't make a habit of working late and going in early, work wasn't more important than his physical and mental health.

    "Guys," he says knocking on the door before opening it. "Put your shoes on and go with dada to take Jaein to her art lesson."

    "I don't wanna," Jaehyung says from where he lays on the ground building his lego set.

    "Yeah, me neither." Hanjae says without looking up from the book he was reading.

    "He said he'd take you for ice cream after." Jeongguk says immediately getting both their attention.

    "Why didn't you say that first?" Jaehyung says abandoning his legos to put his shoes on. "Come on, Hanie, put your shoes one."

    "I don't wanna go." Hanjae says looking down apprehensively.

    "Why not, bubba?" Jeongguk asks tilting his head. "It's the last day of school, don't you want to celebrate?"

    "Come on, Hanjae," Jaehyung pouts. "Hurry up before he changes his mind."

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