o n e - h u n d r e d - six

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Taehyung sighs as he walks into the house, stepping out of his shoes as he announces his presence

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Taehyung sighs as he walks into the house, stepping out of his shoes as he announces his presence.

He frowns in confusion when he doesn't receive a response, half expecting the boys to tackle him at the door like they usually do. He follows the silence into the living, finding it empty as well before going to check in the backyard.

He hears the kids before he sees them, their voices shouting excitedly from the backyard. When he steps outside he discovers the source of this excitement.

    "Tae," Jeongguk says standing when he hears the door open, the smile on his face barely faltering when he sees Taehyung's bewildered expression. "I can explain."

    "Jeongguk," Taehyung says, forcing a smile when he notices the kids watching his reaction as well. "Let's talk inside, hm?"

Jeongguk nods. "Be careful, guys," he says to the kids before following Taehyung inside, shutting the door behind himself. "Before you get upset, I can explain~"

    "You got them a dog?" Taehyung asks, crossing his arms. "What were you thinking?"

Jeongguk's smile fade completely, his expression immediately becoming apologetic. "I'm sorry, Tae, I just~"

    "You're such an asshole," The brunette pouts. "You promised I could help you pick it out."

    "Wait, that's what you're upset about?" Jeongguk asks, sighing in relief. "Good, I thought I was going to have to give it back."

    "You couldn't have waited until I got here to give it to them?" Taehyung asks. "I really wanted to be there when it happened."

    "I tried waiting for you but I couldn't hide him anywhere," Jeongguk says. "I didn't want to leave him in the car. We picked your name if that makes you feel any better."

    "Really? Jaehyung hated the name I chose." Taehyung says, cracking a small smile.

    "He changed his mind when he saw him," Jeongguk says. "He doesn't really look like a Rex or a Lucky."

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