t h r e e

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    "Hey, Taehyung! Please, stop."

Taehyung keeps walking towards his car, ignoring Jeongguk's calls as he fishes his my out of his pocket.

    "Taehyung," Jeongguk says, grabbing the brunette's arm when he's close enough.

    "Don't touch me." Taehyung says, snatching his arm away and trying to open his door.

    "Taehyung, please." The ravenette says, putting his hand on the door to keep Taehyung from opening.

    "Move, Jeongguk." The brunette says, looking down to try and hide the tears coming down his face. "I get it, alright? You don't want it, I don't have to have it."

    "I do want it, Taehyung." Jeongguk says, trying to meet the brunette's eyes. "I'm just in shock, okay? And I wasn't trying to say you slept around. I don't even care if you do. I just haven't seen you in two months and then you show up out of nowhere~"

    "I didn't start feeling sick sick until after the first six weeks. If I would've known before then~"

    "Hey, hey look." The ravenette says, taking Taehyung by the shoulders, forcing him to look up at him. "It doesn't matter, all that matters is that you're here now. And...I don't know how it's possible, but you're pregnant, with my child. And you don't have to get an abortion, because I'll help you. You won't have to raise it alone."

Taehyung looks down again, sniffling as more tears fell. "I swear I didn't know, Jeongguk. I didn't know. And I'm not ready for a baby. I'm still in school and I have a dead end job~"

    "We have time to think about all that, Taehyung. Don't stress yourself out."


    "Yeah, we." Jeongguk chuckles, pulling the brunette into a hug, trying his best to comfort him. "We'll figure this out, I swear."

Taehyung sighs, hugging Jeongguk back. "This is crazy...We barely know each other."

    "Well, then come back upstairs with me, and we can get to know each other." Jeongguk offers, pulling away from the hug and looking at Taehyung. "Besides, I think I owe you, at least, a half decent meal for being such an asshole at first."

Taehyung chuckles softly, nodding his head as he dries the remainder of his tears. "Okay."

    "Yeah?" The ravenette smiles, holding out a tattooed hand for Taehyung to take. "Come on."

The brunette takes his hand, letting him lead him back to the apartment like a small child who just had a melt down.

    "If I was the first guy you were with~"


    "Wait, hear me out."

Taehyung sighs a little as the climb the stairs. "Go ahead."

    "If I was the first guy you were with," Jeongguk repeats. "Why'd you make it seem like you had one night stands all the time?"

    "Because, I was trying to be confident." The brunette says, cringing slightly at himself. "I'm actually really shy when I'm not drinking."

    "Oh." The ravenette says. "Well, I don't mind you being shy."

Taehyung chuckles. "Thanks for your permission."

    "Come on, I wasn't saying it like that." Jeongguk says as they reach his apartment, opening the door and letting Taehyung walk in first. "I'm just saying that you're free to be as shy as you want when you're with me."

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