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    "Carry the one, Minhee. You can't forget or it'll ruin all the beautiful work you've done already."

Taehyung has to force himself not to laugh at Minhee's expression when she realizes her mistake.

    "This is too hard." The eight year old huffs looking at Taehyung with a discouraged pout through the webcam. "I can't do it."

    "Yes you can, Minhee. You got two in a row right last time." Taehyung says encouragingly. "They were the hardest ones on the entire worksheet. If you can do those you can do anything."

Minhee nods, pushing her hair out of her face as she gets back go trying to work out the long division problem. "Carry the one?"

    "Yes, sweetheart. Take your time, try to relax." Taehyung says, there was no reason an eight year old should be this stressed out over a math problem. Her parents must be really hard on her. "It's okay to make mistakes, one mistake won't be the end of the world."

    "Okay." Minhee nods again, sighing as she continues to try her best.

Tutoring was the only thing keeping Taehyung going besides the twins. It paid decently and he got to connect with children and families through education. It was always his dream to spread educate and after months of not being able to teach this was the next best thing.

Minhee finishes her worksheet just as their session is closing. Smiling happily when Taehyung awards her a golden achievement star to show to her parents and teachers.

    "Good work today, Minhee. I'll see you next week okay?" Taehyung chuckles. "Be good."

     "Yes, sir. Thank you, teacher-nim." She smiles before closing out the call.

    "The ones she got right were obviously the easiest ones on the page."

Taehyung looks up at Jeongguk with a playful glare. "Congratulations, Jeongguk, you're smarter than an eight year old. Do you want a golden achievement star?"

Jeongguk flips the brunette off with a sweet smile before standing from the bed. "Are you finished yet? I'm bored."

    "Don't you have a job? Why aren't you at work?" Taehyung asks focusing on filling Minhee's reading and math logs before he had to give his dad his laptop back.

    "I work mornings now." Jeongguk says leaning on the back of the chair Taehyung is sitting in. "She missed five words, not four."

    "Back off, Jeongguk." The brunette says barely paying him any mind.

    "The boys are in daycare for another hour and a half." Jeongguk continues, purposely trying to annoy Taehyung. "Let's go do something. You need a break from illiterate children for a while."

    "Are you really bullying third graders, Jeongguk?" Taehyung laughs looking up at him. "Not a good look for you, I have to say."

    "Third graders with first grade reading levels~"

    "That's why they're in tutoring." Taehyung says returning to his work. "You're an asshole."

    "A bored asshole." Jeongguk says. "Come on, go with me to pick up the boys."

    "You said they still had an hour." Taehyung says writing down today's sessions so that he could look back at them later.

    "Let's drive around until they're ready." Jeongguk says. "Come on, please?"

     "What's with you today?" Taehyung says turning in his chair to get a better look at the ravenette. "You're literally off the walls."

    "I just wanna hang out." He shrugs as he sits down on the bed again. "You don't want to hang out with me?"

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