t h i r t y - n i n e

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    "I'm not supposed to be talking to you. It goes against my custody agreement."

    "I know, I just had to see you. It's been months now."

Jeongguk rolls his eyes slightly as he walks into his mother's apartment. It was a nice place, he was glad she didn't go back to that house.

    "Come sit down. Are you hungry? I can make you something." Mrs. Jeon says leading him to the living room.

    "I'm not hungry. What did you want to talk about?" The ravenette asks taking a seat with his mom in the sofa. "I'm supposed to be heading to work in a little while."

    "Oh? You found a job?" She smiles softly. "Do you enjoy it? Is it what you wanted?"

    "Yeah, business operations." Jeongguk shrugs. "I don't have a big role but I could work up to management in a few months."

    "That's great, Gguk. I'm so proud of you." His mother chuckles happily. "That's all I ever wanted for you."

    "What'd you want to talk about, ma?" The ravenette asks looking straight ahead. "Or should I even call you that anymore?"

    "I'm still your mother. Don't be a dick." Mrs. Jeon says, obviously hurt by Jeongguk's words. "I don't want to do this again."

    "Do what? You don't want to get called out on your bullshit, is that what you're saying?" Jeongguk asks looking at her with a confused expression.

    "I asked you to come over because I was worried about you. Jihyuk told me that you were back on that side of town again~"

    "I don't have time for this shit." Jeongguk says standing to leave.

    "Baby, please. I'm just worried about you. Can't I worry about you?" Mrs. Jeon asks standing with him. "You're my son."

    "What do you want to know, ma?" Jeongguk asks throwing his hands up in aggravation. "Do you wanna know if I'm getting high again? Is that it?"


    "That has to be it. Since that's what everyone automatically assumes of me." The ravenette continues. "Instead of assuming that I'm busting my ass trying to get myself established for my kids. Despite where I'm living at the moment."

    "I just want you to be safe, Jeongguk. And you don't look like you're taking care of yourself." Mrs. Jeon says. "You look thin and exhausted."

    "I am exhausted. From working fourteen hours a night." Jeongguk says narrowing his eyes. "I'm working hard for my kids. No drug is going to come between that. So please, save your worry. It makes you look ridiculous."

    "I'm sorry, sweetheart. I'm sorry. I believe you, I swear. And I won't question you again." Mrs. Jeon says. "Can you just sit and talk with me?"

Jeongguk sighs as he sits down. Pushing his disheveled hair back out of his face. "I'm just tired, ma. And pissed off, for multiple reasons. It's not just you."

    "I understand. I just want to talk for a little while." She says sitting down beside him. "How are the boys? I know you don't see them as often as you'd like but how are they?"

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