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Jeongguk stands off to the side awkwardly as he watches Taehyung and his internet friend embrace excitedly.

He glances over Seokjin suspiciously as he watches the two. Looking for anything odd or unusual about the perfect stranger.

    "This must be Jeongguk." Seokjin smiles getting Jeongguk's attention as he holds his hand out. "Taehyung's told me so much about you. It's nice to meet you."

    "Yeah, you too," Jeongguk says with a tight-lipped smile as he shakes his hand.

    "Is this your son?" Taehyung asks looking at the little boy that stands behind Seokjin.

    "Yes. This is Saebin." Seokjin says holding his hand out to his son. "Do you want to say hi to my friend, Saebin?"

Taehyung pouts adoringly as the six-year-old clings to Seokjin's leg, hiding his face shyly. "Hi, Saebin. I'm Taehyung."

Seokjin chuckles softly. Ruffling his son's hair. "He's shy. It's my fault though, I keep him too sheltered I think."

    "That's okay. He's adorable." Taehyung chuckles.

    "Oh, let's sit," Seokjin says quickly as if suddenly realizing how bizarre they looked standing in the middle of the ice cream parlor.

    "What do you want, Tae?" Jeongguk asks as they sit down at a table.

    "Anything with peanut butter." Taehyung smiles before the ravenette leaves them together. "So, Seokjin. How are things?"

    "Good actually. I'm glad we could meet today. I really needed an excuse to get out of the house." Seokjin nods. "You know I home school Saebin and I work from home too. So I rarely get a chance to get out."

    "Yeah, I get that. I take my classes from home so I know how you feel." Taehyung chuckles. "I don't think I've been out like this since the beginning of my pregnancy."

Seokjin's eyes widen in shock. "You're kidding. Really?"

Taehyung shrugs. "I had a scare early on and I was on bed rest for two weeks. Since then I've just stayed home really."

    "I'd probably go insane if I stayed home for more than a week straight. Especially with this one running around all the time." Seokjin chuckles as he uses a napkin to wipe the ice cream from Saebin's face. "He's a little monster when he wants to be."

    "I can't even picture my kids being six," Taehyung says looking at Saebin. "It's strange to even think about."

    "It happens right before your eyes. Believe me." Seokjin says shaking his head. "Just yesterday I swear I was in high school trying to wrap my head around my pregnancy. Now he's six. It's insane."

Jeongguk returns with Taehyung's ice cream. "I'm gonna go call my mom, Tae. But I'm right outside."

    "Go for it, I'm fine." The brunette smiles up at him. Jeongguk smiles back as he leans down and pecks the younger's lips before leaving.

Taehyung watches him go before turning back to Seokjin who has a smug smile on his face. "What?"

    "Last time I checked you said you and Jeongguk weren't together." He smirks. "So....what's happening?"

    "Okay, so some things changed but it's not what you think," Taehyung says jokingly rolling his eyes. "We're just seeing where this takes us for now. Since we didn't have a relationship before all this."

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