e i g h t e e n

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    "Are you okay still?"

    "Yeah. I'm fine."

Taehyung nods as he continues to rub soothing circles into Jeongguk's back. Letting him stay in his arms as long as he needed.

They've been laying in Jeongguk's bed in silence for almost thirty minutes straight. The ravenette's silent tears stopped a while ago.

After Taehyung hugged him Jeongguk didn't let go. Keeping him as close as possible even after his tears stopped. He needed him here right now, and he was afraid he'd leave if he let him go.

    "I'm not going anywhere," Taehyung says as if he was reading Jeongguk's mind. His voice calm and patient. "It's okay."

    "I don't know what's wrong with me," Jeongguk says brokenly. Speaking for the first time in half an hour. "I haven't cried in front of someone since I was a kid."

Taehyung chuckles softly. "That's okay. You can cry in front of me whenever you want."

Jeongguk sighs as he opens his eyes and looks Taehyung in the eye. Trying to interpret his expression. "What are you thinking?"

He shrugs before pushing Jeongguk's hair away from his eyes. "I'm just worried about you right now."


    "Because you looked so scared before."

Jeongguk blinks a few times as he tries to gain more control of his facial expression. "I'm only scared because I love you."

Taehyung pouts sympathetically. Unsure of how to respond to such a bold statement.

    "I don't care what happens in this life, Taehyung. Nothing bad will happen to you or the twins." Jeongguk says, nothing in his tone making Taehyung doubt him one bit. "I swear."

    "I'm not afraid, " Taehyung says with a small smile. "I'm never afraid when we're together."

Jeongguk smiles softly at him. His eyes flickering over Taehyung's features. "I know you don't love me, and I know you don't think I love you. But I want us to be together, Taehyung. And not just because of the twins."

    "Jeongguk~" Taehyung starts.

    "I feel like you getting pregnant was destiny bringing us together." He continues in the same hushed voice he's been using. "I've never felt like your pregnancy was an accident because everything just feels right. Like this was always supposed to happen."

Taehyung sighs his expression changing to one of question and wonder. He's never felt like his babies were a mistake. Even in the beginning when he had no idea what he was going to do.

    "We may seem different on the outside but I know there's some kind of connection between us that no one else has," Jeongguk says with a  small smile playing on his lips still. "I know it sounds crazy~"

    "It's not crazy." Taehyung chuckles softly. Jeongguk's words making him feel warm and giddy inside. "I didn't know you believed in destiny, Jeongguk."

    "I didn't." He shrugs. "But you make me believe in anything."

Taehyung pouts at his words. "You're such a sap, seriously. I'm seeing a whole new side of you right now."

    "I literally broke down in front of you. I have no dignity left." Jeongguk laughs. "Don't get used to it either."

    "Believe me I won't." Taehyung laughs rolling his eyes. He sighs before looking Jeongguk in the eye. Searching for a clue as to how he was feeling now. "Are you okay now?"

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