t h i r t e e n

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Taehyung laughs with Jimin as Namjoon continues to go on about how horrible his day was at work.

"I'm glad you two can find humor in my suffering." The oldest of the three huffs as he sits down next to Taehyung. Handing him the water he went to get from the kitchen.

"If you hate your job so much, Joon, why don't you just find another one?" Jimin asks from where he sits on the opposite couch.

"Because I'm hoping if I stay long enough my dad will give me a more behind-the-scenes roll in the restaurant," Namjoon responds. "If that means a couple of hours of free labor every other day, then I'll do it."

"It's not fair for your parents to make you work for free. Even though you're their son." Taehyung says. "You should talk to them."

Namjoon shrugs dismissively. "We're going on a hiring spree next month, so maybe it'll happen then. And they're still paying my rent, so. It's not that bad."

"Why complain then?" Jimin asks. "If you're just going to keep putting yourself through it."

"I complain to get it off my chest. But I'm sorry, Jimin, if it bothers you." The older says grabbing the remote to the TV without looking at Jimin. "I just figured, as my friends, I could talk to you guys about it."

"Of course you can talk to us, Joon. And you can complain all you want. I complain about shit I don't bother to change all the time." Taehyung shrugs as he checks his phone. "It's cool."

"Thank you, Tae," Namjoon responds as he searches for a movie to play. "What should we watch?"

"I'm gonna go," Jimin says uncrossing his legs and grabbing his phone. "It was good seeing you, Taehyung. I'm glad the twins are okay."

"Thank you for worrying, Jimin. It really means so much." The brunette says standing to hug his friend. "I'm glad I have a friend like you."

"You're being all gross and sappy, Tae." The older laughs as he hugs him back briefly before pulling away. "I'll text you later."

"Okay." Taehyung smiles as he sits back down. A confused expression forming on his face when Jimin leaves without another word to Namjoon.

"What do you want to watch, Tae?" The older says completely unphased by Jimin's behavior. "I'll let you pick one of those shitty rom-coms if you want."

"Don't try to distract me." The younger laughs reaching over and grabbing the remote. "What's going on with you and Jimin?"

"Nothing's going on." Namjoon chuckles. "Why?"

"There was tension just now. Since when does Jimin not say goodbye to you?" Taehyung asks. "And you both are acting weird."

Namjoon shrugs, his smile fading as he looks down at his hands. "There's nothing going on. He just thinks I'm into someone else. Which I have every right to be. Jimin and I aren't together. We never have been."

"Wow, Namjoon. You actually sound like a dick right now." The brunette says shocked by Namjoon's words. "You and Jimin have been crushing on each other for years. Even if you never made it official there was still something there."

"You're right, Tae, we've been liking each other for years. And nothing ever came of it." The older says looking at his friend. "I'm just kind of over being stuck in that phase."

"Did you tell him that?" Taehyung questions with a raised eyebrow. "Maybe he's tired of it too."

"He's not. I've tried talking to him about it." Namjoon says throwing his hands up. "He's only interested in a relationship now because he thinks I'm into someone else."

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