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Jeongguk groans as Taehyung pulls away from him, pouting as he watches him pull the covers over himself.

"Don't give me that look." The brunette laughs as he lays down facing Jeongguk. "You have to keep your heart rate down until your next physical."

"I can keep my heart rate down." Jeongguk says turning on his side. "One kiss."

"I just kissed you." Taehyung says. "If I kiss you again you'll just go overboard."

"If you're so serious about keeping my heart rate down then maybe you should go sleep in the guest room." Jeongguk teases. "Better yet, go downstairs and set up on the couch."

"Shut up," Taehyung laughs, leaning in and kissing The ravenette again. He lets him kiss him back for a moment, or two...or three, before pulling away. "Goodnight, Jeongguk."

"Now you're just being a tease." Jeongguk says as Taehyung turns his back to him. "You know we've only had sex three times since we've met? And the first time I was completely wasted."

"Sex talk isn't going to help your case right now." Taehyung says keeping his back to him. "Let me know if you need help getting in the shower."

"I'm cleared to shower by myself now, thanks." Jeongguk says laying down on his other side, his back facing Taehyung.

Taehyung reaches up to turn the lights off before turning to Jeongguk. Wrapping his arm around his waist and kissing his neck softly. "I love you."

    "Mhm," Jeongguk hums making Taehyung chuckles. "I love you more I guess."

    "Nice touch." The brunette hums, sighing as they settled into each other's embrace.

The next day is a busy day for everyone. It's the second Saturday of the month so the twins are out of daycare, which means they'll have three kids to handle everywhere they go today.

Everywhere being Jaein's doctor's appointment this morning, grocery shopping this afternoon, Jeongguk's physical, Taehyung's dentist appointment, and they needed to stop by the cleaners.

    "We can skip groceries." Jeongguk says as he brushes his teeth.

    "Can't, I won't be able to go again until Wednesday and we have breakfast Wednesday." Taehyung says drying his hair as he gets out of the shower.

    "Ughh," Jeongguk groans. "How the hell did groceries fall on the second Saturday?"

    "I'd skip the dentist but my tooth's really been killing me." Taehyung says wrapping his towel around his waist. "And I can't leave my clothes at the cleaners, they're closed on Sundays and I need my dress shirts for school Monday."

    "Hm," Jeongguk nods. "We could split up. You go to the grocery store while I'm at the doctor, I go to the cleaners while you're at the dentist?"

    "I like running errands together though." Taehyung pouts a little as he walks out of the bathroom to get dressed.

    "And I like getting shit done in a timely manner." Jeongguk says following him out.  

    "You're always such a grumpy pants in the morning." Taehyung chuckles. "I was just joking, I don't mind splitting up. It'll make things easier."

    "Alright," The ravenette says. "If I'm done with my physical and the cleaners I'll try to catch you at the grocery store."

    "You can come straight home, I can handle the groceries." Taehyung says as he pulls some jeans on. "I think I'll be kind of good at shopping with three kids."

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