f i f t y - o n e

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~present, Wednesday...~

When Jeongguk pulls up to the curb in front of Taehyung's apartment he sees Seokjin's car parked in the driveway. He rushes out of the car when he sees the older looking inside through the windows.

    "Hyung!" He calls getting the older's attention.

Seokjin turns to him, walking over to meet him halfway. "He's gone, his things are gone."

    "What?" Jeongguk asks in alarm. "What do you mean?"

    "The apartment's empty." Seokjin says with a worried expression. "I don't know what's going on."

Jeongguk walks over to one of the windows, looking inside and finding the apartment completely empty.

    "Should I call the police?" Seokjin asks. "Something doesn't seem right."

    "The cops aren't going to do anything. He moved, and he's been planning to obviously." The ravenette says. "It doesn't look like he left in a frenzy."

    "Why would he do that without telling us?" Seokjin asks nervously. "He wouldn't do that, Jeongguk."

    "I'm calling him again." Jeongguk says pulling out his phone, walking back to his car to open the door for the twins. His call goes directly to voicemail, not even ringing once. "Taehyung, I don't know what the hell is going on but you need to answer me, I'm not fucking kidding. You moved, and didn't bother mentioning it to me once?"

    "Calm down, Jeongguk." Seokjin says, Taehyung could be in real trouble and being upset wasn't going to help the situation.

The ravenette sighs, closing his eyes in frustration as he continues in a calmer manner. "Can you just...please call me back? Or text me, or send me a goddamn sign because I'm really starting to get frustrated. This isn't like you. Call me back."

Jeongguk runs a frustrated hand through his hair as he scrolls through the messages he's already sent Taehyung.

    "I'm gonna be late for work." Jeongguk sighs looking at the twins in the back seat.

    "I can take them." Seokjin offers.

    "No~" Jeongguk starts, he didn't want to put the boys off on Seokjin.

    "I don't mind, really." He insists. "I'll keep them until you get off tonight."

    "Are you sure? You really don't have to." Jeongguk says. "I can figure something out."

    "I'm sure. I'll take them with me now." Seokjin says, he was worried and it was showing in his expression. "I'll get in touch with Taehyung's parents to see if they've heard anything from him."

    "Okay. I'll keep trying his cell." Jeongguk says as he and Seokjin get the twins out of the back seat. "Whatever's going on I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation for it. He wouldn't just leave and not tell us."

Seokjin nods but he doesn't seem convinced that things were that simple. It felt like something was wrong.

    "They have enough food and bottles for today. I'll call you when I'm on the way to get them tonight." Jeongguk says closing Seokjin's back door after putting their car seats in with their diaper bag. "You're a lifesaver, hyung. I owe you one."

    "I'll call if I hear from Taehyung." Seokjin says waving as he starts his car. "Be careful."

    "You too." Jeongguk waves as he climbs into his car. Watching Seokjin pull off before taking his phone out to text Taehyung, yet again.

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