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    "They can't retaliate, it goes against code. They know that."

Jeongguk shakes his head as he stares towards his bedroom window. He had been discharged from the hospital yesterday and had to be under strict supervision for the next six weeks. "They can if they find out you were going to kill him first."

    "There's no proof of that." Jihyuk says pacing back and forth. "I talked to Chanwoo and he said that the situation was handled properly according to the code. And he said that they're relocating somewhere else."

"You can't just take his word for it, Jihyuk." Jeongguk says rolling eyes. "Don't be an idiot, I killed his son."

"Who tried to kill you." Jihyuk stresses. "Since Chiwon's dead, when Chanwoo dies his brother immediately takes charge of their subunit. And his brother is located in China."

Jeongguk shakes his head again. "I shouldn't have killed him. I should've shot him in the leg or something, I don't know why I killed him."

"Don't freak out right now, Jeongguk~"

"If Taehyung finds out I killed him~"

"Look," Jihyuk says stopping and facing his brother. "As far as anyone knows, we don't know who shot you or who killed Chiwon. Alright? Taehyung isn't going to find out."

"I'll have to tell him eventually, it'll kill me." Jeongguk says looking at Jihyuk. "I killed him, I actually killed him. He's dead and I did it~"

"You're freaking out, Jeongguk." Jihyuk says. "Do you know how many people I've killed? Dozens, it's not as big a deal as you make it."

    "I'm not a killer, hyung. That's just not me." The ravenette says. "Last time I even got close to killing someone I was strung out on fucking Xanax."

    "Okay, so we go back in time and you never kill Chiwon. Then what?" Jihyuk asks crossing his arms and raising his eyebrows. "You shoot him in the leg, he still ends up getting away. He gets away, he eventually goes after Taehyung, the twins, and Jaein. There's a million different things that could've gone wrong if you didn't kill that asshole. You did a good thing, Jeongguk."

    "I don't want to talk about it anymore." Jeongguk says looking away. "I feel sick."

    "It's over, Jeongguk. You ended it, trust me. Alright?" Jihyuk says. "Do you trust me?"

    "Yeah, I trust you." Jeongguk says before changing the subject. His thoughts were completely occupied by what he did. He couldn't remember the moment he killed Chiwon but he kept imagining how it might of happened. "How's Taeyo?"

    "He's alright." Jihyuk shrugs, always acting indifferent rather than showing his worry. "He's not supposed to be out of the woods for another two weeks."

    "What'd the doctors in Boston say?" Jeongguk asks.

    "He should be cancer free in that time." His brother nods. "They didn't believe us when we told him he's been fighting since he was eleven."

Jeongguk nods. "He's really a strong kid, hyung."

    "Yeah, he is." Jihyuk nods, huffing a sigh as he checks the time. "I'm gonna go before mom gets back."

    "Alright." Jeongguk says. "Don't forget to call me if you find out where Jimin is."

    "I don't think he's anywhere near Korea right now." Jihyuk says. "If I find out you'll be the first to know."

    "Thanks, hyung." Jeongguk says, waving his brother off before he leaves the room.

He reaches for his phone, groaning at the pain he feels from leaning forward. He was on all kinds of medication to keep him stabilized while he recovers but it still hurt to move on his own. He dials Taehyung number, putting it on speaker and waiting for him to pick up.

Trapped by Desire (vkook) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now