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    "Hi, uhm, is this Mr. Kim?"

    "Yes, who is this?"

Jeongguk sits up from where he was laying on the floor with Hanjae and Jaehyung.

    "This is Jeongguk, I'm the twins' dad." The ravenette says nervously, he's never spoken with either of Taehyung's parents.

    "Ah, Jeongguk, yes. How are you, son?" Mr. Kim asks. "I don't think we've ever spoken."

    "We haven't, and I'm fine. How are you?" Jeongguk asks politely, despite the urgency behind the phone call.

    "I'm well, thank you for asking." Mr. Kim says. "Is there a reason you're calling?"

    "Yeah, I was calling to ask if you've been in contact with Taehyung at all lately." Jeongguk says. "I haven't been able to contact him in over a week."

    "Over a week?" Mr. Kim asks in alarm. "Does he have the kids?"

    "No, that's why I'm worried. I don't think he'd run off without them." Jeongguk says. "You haven't spoken to him at all?"

    "I tried his cell a few times last week but I didn't have any luck so I called the school's phone." Mr. Kim says. "We talked for about five minutes before he had to go."

    "What'd he say? Did he sound like something was wrong?" Jeongguk asks, he was relieved that someone had heard from Taehyung in the past week and a half.

    "He was rushing the conversation, he said he was in class. But he didn't sound too strange otherwise. He just told me that he had to move out of his apartment because of personal reasons."

Jeongguk sighs. "He didn't say anything about the twins?"

    "No." Mr. Kim says. "I could give you his extension so you could try giving him a call."

    "That'd be great." Jeongguk says rushing to go write the number down. He steps over the baby gate out of the nursery to grab a pen and something to write on.

    "Appa!" Hanjae calls after him. 

    "I'm ready." Jeongguk says preparing to write the extension down. Scribbling the numbers quickly as Mr. Kim tells him. "Okay, thank you. If you would call me if you hear anything else from him, that'd be great."

    "Of course, you take care, son. You can let me know if you need anything." Mr. Kim says kindly.

    "Thank you, Mr. Kim." Jeongguk says before they hang up. He sighs as he looks down at the extension, it was past five so it was unlikely that anyone would answer right now.

    "Pa-pa!" Hanjae cries at the baby gate, Jaehyung following his lead and crying as well.

    "Hang on, guys." Jeongguk says rushing down stairs to get their sippy cups from the refrigerator. He dials the extension even though he doesn't expect an answer.

The line rings a few times before someone picks up. "Seoul Primary."

    "Yes, uhm, this is Jeon Jeongguk. I'm trying to get in contact with one of your teachers. Kim Taehyung?" Jeongguk says grabbing the cups.

    "Oh, Mr. Kim has already left for the evening. Is there a message I could leave for him?" The woman asks politely.

    "Could you just ask him to call me back as soon as he can?" Jeongguk asks. "My name's Jeongguk."

    "Okay, Jeongguk. I'll let him know you called."

    "Thank you." Jeongguk sighs as he walks back upstairs to get the kids. Ending the call as he steps over the baby gate. "I thought we agreed to limit the break downs to twice a day. Now you don't get to break down at bedtime."

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