s e v e n t y

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Jeongguk is dozing off when he hears Taehyung whimpering softly in his sleep again. It's been happening since he first started dozing off earlier in the night.

The ravenette pushes himself into a sitting position, throwing the thin blanket he was using to the side as he stands.

"Tae," He whispers as he kneels beside the brunette's bed, examining his face for a moment.

Taehyung's eyes were shut tightly, his brows drawn together as he grips his blanket tightly in his hands. The brunette flinches awake when Jeongguk touches his arm, his eyes flying open in alarm.

"Hey," Jeongguk says softly as he gently rubs his arm. "Hey, you're okay, it's me. It was just a dream."

"J-Jeongguk~" Taehyung starts, his voice cracking on the way out.

"Shh, it's okay." The ravenette says caressing Taehyung's cheek as he thumbs away his tears. He smooths down his hair in a comforting manner, offering him the smallest of smiles to make him feel more at ease.

Taehyung relaxes back into the bed, his eyes falling shut as he tries to control his breathing. "I'm sorry, Jeongguk. I keep waking you up."

"Don't apologize, you aren't bothering me." Jeongguk chuckles, his hand still gently caressing Taehyung's hair. "You don't have to worry, Tae, I'm here. I'll protect you and wake you up every time you have a bad dream."

Taehyung lifts his head to look at the monitor above the bed. It was monitoring his and the baby's heart beat, he couldn't stop checking it to make sure the baby's heart was still beating.

    "Dr. Song came in while you were asleep. She said everything was looking good." Jeongguk says when he notices the brunette checking.

    "Okay." Taehyung sighs laying his head back down. "What time is it?"

    "1:11," Jeongguk says after checking the time. "Do you need anything?"

    "No," The brunette says looking up at Jeongguk. "Thank you."

The ravenette nods, taking Taehyung's hand with a smile. "You're welcome."

    "You should go to sleep. You have to work tomorrow." Taehyung says, he felt extremely guilty for keeping him up.

"I'll be fine." Jeongguk promises. "It's okay."

"Well...don't stay on the floor, get up." The brunette says. "You're making me feel bad."


"Don't make me feel bad." Taehyung pouts, he scooches over on his bed and pats the open space.

Jeongguk stands from where he's kneeling, sitting down in the open space. "Now go to sleep."

Taehyung rolls his eyes slightly as he tries to relax. He shuts his eyes with a sigh, he was exhausted.

Jeongguk pats Taehyung's back gently as he tries to fall asleep. Watching his face closely until his expression relaxes and his breathing evens out.

The ravenette doesn't leave his side after he falls asleep. Even though he knows he'll be exhausted at work he wants Taehyung to have at least a few hours of restful sleep.

Time passes quickly, soon the sun starts to creep in through the shades over the window.

The door opens and Dr. Song walks in with a smile, waving at Jeongguk before holding her finger to her lips. She knows Taehyung's had a restless night.

"How are we doing?" She whispers after approaching the bed, looking at the monitor as she asks.

"He's been asleep for a while." Jeongguk says, not moving from where he sits holding Taehyung's hand.

Trapped by Desire (vkook) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now