o n e - h u n d r e d

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"You're doing that thing again, Taehyung."

"What thing?"

"That thing where you jump to conclusions and end up spiraling and self sabotaging."

Taehyung looks at Namjoon in confusion as he tries to understand his words.

"All I'm saying is that you have to actually talk to Jeongguk before coming to any conclusions." Namjoon says as he hangs a poster on Saebin's bedroom wall. "Is that good?"

"That's good." The brunette nods. "I haven't come to any conclusions. I want you to tell me whether or not it's worth asking about."

"If it's bothering then yeah," Namjoon shrugs. "But I also think that if it was important Jeongguk would tell you."

"He's kept important things from me before."

"And he suffered the consequences. Why would he risk doing it again?"

Taehyung sighs, looking around the room as he thinks. "I just have a feeling something's wrong."

"Then talk to him." Namjoon says. "And don't approach him defensively, you both will just get upset and shut down."

"I won't," Taehyung says. "The room looks good, Joon."

"Thank you," Namjoon smiles as he looks around the room. "I want him to still feel at home even though he's coming back to a different house."

"He will, he's never going to want to come out of here." Taehyung chuckles. "He's back next week?"

"Yeah, he got his date pushed up for doing good in his classes." Namjoon says. "I'm glad, it doesn't feel the same without him."

"I know, hopefully he'll do better at his new school and everything." Taehyung says. "He'll make new friends, better influences."

"That's the goal." Namjoon chuckles. "I'm gonna try harder to be there for him too. I haven't been trying my best to balance work and home lately."

"He asks about you every time we talk so he'll be happy about that." Taehyung says reassuringly. "I should go, Mrs. Seo got the boys off the bus for me today."

"Alright, see you." Namjoon says hugging the brunette. "Don't be an asshole when you talk to Jeongguk, you'll just do more harm than good."

"I'll try my hardest." Taehyung chuckles as he pulls away. "See you,"


Taehyung sighs as he leaves Namjoon's, checking his phone for any messages from Mrs. Seo before pulling out of the driveway. When he gets home he finds the boys outside taking turns pulling Jaein in her wagon while Jeongguk watches them from them steps.

"Dada, watch this!" Jaehyung says as soon as Taehyung gets out of the car. "Hanjae get in with Jaein."

"Appa said not to." Hanjae says looking over at Jeongguk.

"Make sure you guys are being careful with her, she's smaller than you are." Taehyung says ruffling Jaehyung's hair.

"I'm a tough girl, dada." Jaein says looking up at Taehyung with a pout.

"I know, but your brothers still have to be careful." Taehyung smiles. "Why aren't you at ballet?"

"I don't wanna do it no more." Jaein shrugs carelessly.

Taehyung's face falls a little. "Jaein, you begged us to do ballet for weeks."

"It's too hard," The girl huffs. "And I still can't put my foot on my head."

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