e i g h t y - f i v e

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~One month later...~

"I don't know why you insist on helping me, I'm fine."

"It looks like it hurts when you do it yourself."

Jeongguk rolls his eyes a little but he lets Taehyung support while he walks down the stairs. Putting his arm over the brunette's shoulder and letting him lead him down.

"I'm cleared to do light exercise now, Taehyung. How much more light can I get than going down some stairs?" The ravenette asks, keeping his free arm over his torso out of habit. The pain he felt when moving and walking around was minimal to none but Taehyung always thought he was overdoing it. "Do you just like babying me or something?"

"I just don't want you to hurt yourself." Taehyung says taking each step carefully. "I know you were cleared but you still have four weeks on your timeline."

"That timeline is just for reference. People heal at different rates." Jeongguk says as they reach the bottom of the stairs. "I appreciate your help, but I think I should start doing more on my own. If I keep holding back I'll never be able to go back to work."

"Alright, fine. I'll leave you alone unless you ask for help." Taehyung sighs, wrapping both arms around Jeongguk. "Even though I know you're too stubborn to ever ask for my help."

"I'll ask if I need it." Jeongguk smiles, kissing Taehyung's forehead before pulling away. "Where are you headed anyway?"

"I just have to run a few errands." The brunette sighs. "My dad wants me to go to that dealership I was telling you about."

"Do you want me to go with you?" Jeongguk asks sitting down on the couch.

"No, he knows my dad so he won't screw me over." Taehyung chuckles. "I'm only going to be gone a few hours. Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone."

"Saving all stupid activities until you get back." Jeongguk says saluting the brunette playfully.

"Alright," Taehyung says as he kneels to kiss the boys. "I love you guys, I'll be back."

"Bye-bye," Jaehyung says as Taehyung kisses his cheek.

"Bye-bye, baby." The brunette says as he stands. "Jaein's up in thirty minutes, don't let Mrs. Seo forget."

"Got it." Jeongguk says. "Be careful, alright?"

"I will be, love you." Taehyung says as he walks out of the house. Sighing as he checks his phone for any new messages. He climbs into his car as he taps a missed call from Jihyuk. The phone rings a few time before he answers. "I'm on my way now."

"Alright," Jihyuk says on the other line. "Are you sure you want to do this, Taehyung?"

"I'm sure." Taehyung says firmly as he pulls out of the driveway. "You won't talk me out of it so don't even try."

"Jeongguk'll kick my ass if he finds out I'm doing this." Jihyuk says with a reluctant tone. "I think you should talk to him first~"

"He'll shut me down before I can even start to explain." Taehyung says. "You said you would help me."

"I don't want to be responsible if something happens to you." The older says.

"You aren't responsible for me, I'm an adult." Taehyung says. "I'll be there in twenty minutes."

Jihyuk sighs. "Alright, I'm here."

Taehyung ends the call before focusing on the road. He gets to Jihyuk's house about fifteen minutes later, ringing the doorbell before waiting.

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