e i g h t y - o n e

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    "Please be careful~"

    "I got it, Taehyung."

Taehyung reluctantly hands Hanjae over to Jeongguk after insisting that he hold him instead.

    "He's not going to understand that he needs to be careful." The brunette says as Jeongguk takes Hanjae.

    "He's fine," The ravenette says kissing Hanjae on the cheek before sitting him in his lap. "How was the drive?" He asks holding his hands out for Jaehyung.

    "One at a time, and it was fine." Taehyung says drawing the line there. "Your mom hardly said anything when I got here."

    "Yeah, weird." Jeongguk chuckles before changing the subject. "How's Jaein's schedule been? Are you exhausted?"

    "She likes to sleep during the day and stay up all night." Taehyung says looking down at her in her car seat. "It was the same when I was pregnant so I'm not really that tired."

    "Have you tried keeping her awake during the day?" Jeongguk asks, even though Taehyung says he isn't tired he could tell that he was just by looking at him.

    "No, I probably should." The brunette says. "It's just been a weird first two weeks for her so..."

Jeongguk nods. "Yeah, I get that."

    "I'm going to start working soon so I should try to get her on a schedule." Taehyung sighs.

    "How soon?" Jeongguk asks.

    "In the next two weeks, hopefully." The brunette says causing Jeongguk's expression to change. "I know it's kind of early but I can't really afford not to."

    "Who's going to watch her?" Jeongguk asks. "Daycares don't take newborns."

    "I know, I'm gonna figure it out." Taehyung says dismissively, pretending to be fixing Jaehyung's hair.

    "I can keep her." Jeongguk says earning a look from Taehyung. "What? I don't have anything to do. I'm out of a job for twelve weeks."

    "Yeah, because you're seriously injured, Jeongguk." The brunette says letting Jaehyung down when he starts to squirm.

    "I'm getting better." Jeongguk defends. "I stood up by myself today. That means I'm three weeks ahead of the schedule they gave me at the doctor."

    "You shouldn't be standing up by yourself, the schedule's there for a reason." Taehyung scolds. "Either way, it takes more than standing up to take care of a baby."

    "My mom will be here."

    "Your mother hates me right now."

Jeongguk rolls his eyes. "She doesn't hate you, she's still in shock over the whole situation."

    "So am I." Taehyung says watching Jaehyung play with the toys dangling from the handle of Jaein's car seat. "And so are you, even if you won't admit it."

    "I'm fine," Jeongguk says, which was mostly true. "If you leave her here my mom will help out. Even if she acts like she doesn't want to she'll be all over her."

Taehyung shakes his head at the idea. "I'll probably just find a babysitter in my parents' neighborhood."

Jeongguk deflates but he doesn't argue anymore about it. He knew that Taehyung wouldn't change his mind.

    "No, Jaehyung." Taehyung says picking him up and taking Jaein's pacifier out of his hand. "This isn't yours, okay?"

    "Can I hold her?" Jeongguk asks, Hanjae was staring to get restless and he wanted to get off the bed.

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